Hi Earthling
I've planted a few seeds - can't claim any more than that, really - with Dr Michael Greger's video 'How not to die'. Made some of my friends think. I'll catch up with them again in October and find out if anyone has made any changes. The big thing that's holding at least a couple of my friends back is the reaction of their wives. They recognise the science behind a WFPB diet, but are unsure as to how they go about introducing it.
I'm the only vegan in my entire family - have been for 14 years, and I've always been on the receiving end of dismissive comments, etc. But that all changed the other night when I got this phone call from my sister in law: She started off telling me how good I was, how much she respected me, how right I had been, all along, etc. Turns out her and her husband had just watched 'What the Health' on Netflix, and they were going to watch it again with a view to changing their diet. My BIL has had diabetes for the past 5 or so years, and he's let me know in no uncertain terms that he's not going to give up meat. We'll see if that film has made him see sense.