What I Feed My Vegan Dog + V-Dog Discount :)

Bite Size Vegan

Vegan Fruit-Ninja
Jun 11, 2014
Reaction score
i’ve gotten a lot of questions about what i feed my vegan dog, ooby. so today, i’m finally answering and offering you a 15% discount on your next dog food purchase! most people, vegans included, don’t realize that you can feed your pets vegan food and that it’s actually the best thing for their health, for the environment, and, obviously, for the animals that are ingredients in standard pet foods. mainstream pet food contains a bunch of scary stuff, including road kill, spoiled meats, styrofoam, euthanized pets, and more.

For Ooby & My Official V-Dog Review: V-Dog Review & Discount For You! | Bite Size Vegan
Referenced Videos/Resources:
What’s REALLY In Pet Food + Vegan Cats: Can Pets Be Vegan? | What's REALLY in Pet Food - YouTube
The Problem With Breeding Pets: Is Owning Pets Cruel? Do Vegans Own Pets? - YouTube