Wedding - owl ring bearer?


Jan 24, 2018
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  1. Vegan
Hi everyone,

I'm getting married soon and one particular thing I've noticed during my planning is the option to have an owl as a ring bearer. I adore owls and would love the opportunity have an owl guest at my wedding. But I question the vegan-ness of this. What are your thoughts?

Hi Carrie,

Umm. I’ll be the first to put my head above the parapet.

I suppose ethically your question is no different to the pros and cons of keeping your own pet. You are making use of, but not owning, a captive creature.

Is it justifiable to “own” a member of another species? If so, is it right to feed it something it would not eat in its natural environment because of your personal views?

Some vegans will argue that cats can be vegan; even more that dogs can be vegan. But I have never (yet!) heard of claims for pet snakes, chameleons or birds of prey being vegan. So I suppose it’s down to you. If you think it’s OK to keep pets, especially carnivorous ones, then it will be equally OK to “borrow” an owl for the day.

For any wedding the bride and groom have to endure endless streams of anecdotes and advice from those who claim to know all about married life. It’s traditional. So here is my spoonful. We have been married for over fifty years. Given my time again, the bad things I have done I would not do. The good things I have done I would do better. I wish you both the fullest happiness.

Hi Roger,

I think this situation is different from keeping a pet. It's much more similar to the question of whether zoos and circuses are vegan. We're talking about a company that is trying to make a profit by keeping wild animals in captivity and renting them to people for a short period of time. There is no guarantee that the owls are treated well. In fact, given what we know about how businesses treat animals when there is a way to make money off the animals, it is almost certain that the owls are not treated well. Even if they're treated well, wild animals will be miserable in captivity.
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Hi everyone,

I'm getting married soon and one particular thing I've noticed during my planning is the option to have an owl as a ring bearer. I adore owls and would love the opportunity have an owl guest at my wedding. But I question the vegan-ness of this. What are your thoughts?


not very vegan at all is my personal opinion.
sorry, but it sounds to me like you love owls the way people who go to circuses love tigers and lions.
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