Question Vegetarian fridge



Hello, I'm a student and we are doing a project where we have to design a product for inside the fridge to make life easier for vegetarians. The reason for this project is that apparently vegetarians have some struggles with their fridge because it's based on a meat-eating culture. For example, vegetables take in lots of space in the fridge, leave dirt, get squished, don't fit in the fridge... So now my question is: Do you have these kinds of problems and if so, what are the problems exactly?
No issues here either. Saying veggies have dirt is like saying meat has blood, or cheese is sticky! You dont just throw it in there!
I can't think of anything besides wanting a newer one, with the French doors and nice bottom freezer, counter depth especially !
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What might be cool though, is a storage bin with humidity control for root veggies and others that dint require refrigeration