Vegans are major suppliers of animal products. 😉


Forum Legend
May 4, 2019
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  1. Vegan newbie
I did the math the other day and figured out that some vegans supply thousands of dollars worth of animal products every year. For example, a mother saves a family about $2,000 per year by supplying breast milk instead of purchasing formula. Likewise, some vegans donate up to $7,000 per year worth of blood products to places such as the Red Cross. I know that vegans are far more likely to breastfeed and suspect that vegans are more likely to donate blood.

Still, I can choose to donate blood. Farm animals have no choice about what happens to their bodies and lives.

By the way, Vitalant is a great place to donate blood. They give out free NBA tickets, concert tickets, and movie tickets. They actually give out tickets to almost anything. Plus, they also have great snacks.

Video of me donating blood.

I'm happy you decided to donate blood! I use to, and then stopped because it nearly killed me, and I couldn't eat fast food anymore without feeling pain in my left arm. The thought of breastfeeding has always freaked me out. I don't know man.