Vegan (and ex-Vegan) Celebrities


Official VF bot
Jan 3, 2016
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Ginny Messina said:
No matter how often it happens it’s always big news when a vegan celebrity starts eating meat. I’m not sure I even knew that Lizzo was eating a vegan diet until she stopped eating a vegan diet. She says she needed to add more protein to her diet and that adding animal foods cured her [...]
More: Vegan (and ex-Vegan) Celebrities

I think celebrities are wealthy enough to hire a vegan nutritionist that will plan a diet specifically for them. I watched a bit about Lizzo's weight loss journey, and I thought she wasn't getting enough calories for level of activity. She was going to the gym a lot, and was eating a low calorie vegan diet. I think if a person could afford it; they could go with those vegan meal plans from nutritionists.

Sometimes fatigue and not feeling well is not getting enough food. The reason there is not enough protein is because she is not getting enough food.