Unsubscribe from email alerts?


Custom Title
Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
God's Abandoned Timeline
I would really like it if I could somehow keep my alerts, but stop the system from emailing me every time there is an alert. I've looked around in the settings and have managed to stop it from sending me Administrator emails, and Conversation emails, but not Alert emails. Is there any way to fix this?

ETA: I think I figured it out. I changed it in the Preferences so it wouldn't email me if a subscribed thread has a new reply. But will that also keep it from emailing me if someone likes one of my posts in a subscribed thread?
You should be able to just go to the top right, where it says Alerts -> then Alert Preferences and you'll find:
Yes, but wouldn't that turn off all alerts? I just don't want it to email me when someone posts on a subscribed thread. I'd still like to get alerts on the website itself.

((Thanks for the quick reply, by the way!))
I get alerts here, but no emails.

I think changing the email settings only applies to threads subscribed to after you change the settings. So you'll have to unsubscribe from threads you're already subscribed to, to stop the emails. Then resubscribe to get the alerts.

I think.
I get alerts here, but no emails.

I think changing the email settings only applies to threads subscribed to after you change the settings. So you'll have to unsubscribe from threads you're already subscribed to, to stop the emails. Then resubscribe to get the alerts.

I think.
That makes sense. Yikes. Going to take some thinking to do that. :P
Interestingly I did not have to unsubscribe from each thread individually... but apparently I'm a special case.