Top High Fiber Foods

Dark chocolate! Either that's news to me, or I forgot! :rofl:
That list doesn't even include other grains, or produce!
If you follow Dr Gregers daily dozen I believe it's like 60 grams fiber.

Have you ever read carnivores arguments that fiber is bad for humans? That animal fat is good, and doesn't contribute to heart problems? It's so lame and easily refuted!

Fiber is optimum in health, both soluble and non soluble

And fiber is prebiotic-
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what a great list! thank you for that - I have not had any dark chocolate the last week or so as I wasn't aware of the fibre content... out of the package it will come...

Emma JC
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I've been buying Trader Joe's Almond Milk Chocolate. Its tasty but has almost on fiber. So I'm going to switch back to Dark Chocolate.

I had been trying a different Endangered Animal each month... now where did I leave off?