Hi guys , im 23 years old and i have been vegan for 3 years , before i was vegan i was 80 kg with very low body fat all muscle , was squatting 110 kg 20 times and looked very muscular . I became vegan for ethical purposes and i do belive its more healthy for a normal person who is not active , but for me im not sure anymore i have trained my butt off for 3 years and have lost size and strength . Right now i weight 72 kg and cant squat 100 kg 20 times inspite of training hard for 3 years i havent made any progress . I eat very high calories like 4000 , i have tried everyting beans , brown rice , potatoes , spinach , broccoli , lentils but nothing works . Before i became vegan my bowl movement was good , once a day solid and easy going , right now i go 3 times + and its all liquid . I don't know what to do , i want to help the enviroment and the animals but i feel weaker and smaller , i tried 3 years to make it work , everyone who sees me tells me " what happend to you , have you stopped working out " ?