Thinking about quiting...


Nov 12, 2017
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
Hi guys , im 23 years old and i have been vegan for 3 years , before i was vegan i was 80 kg with very low body fat all muscle , was squatting 110 kg 20 times and looked very muscular . I became vegan for ethical purposes and i do belive its more healthy for a normal person who is not active , but for me im not sure anymore i have trained my butt off for 3 years and have lost size and strength . Right now i weight 72 kg and cant squat 100 kg 20 times inspite of training hard for 3 years i havent made any progress . I eat very high calories like 4000 , i have tried everyting beans , brown rice , potatoes , spinach , broccoli , lentils but nothing works . Before i became vegan my bowl movement was good , once a day solid and easy going , right now i go 3 times + and its all liquid . I don't know what to do , i want to help the enviroment and the animals but i feel weaker and smaller , i tried 3 years to make it work , everyone who sees me tells me " what happend to you , have you stopped working out " ?
It does sound like too much fiber. There are also meat substitutes that are high in protein but very processed. They taste great though so maybe you can incorporate that into your diet. Do you eat bananas? They help when my son has diarrhea which isn't too often but it helps to make it solid again. Maybe give that a try and changing up your diet if you are eating the same things constantly. Maybe a certain food you are eating is not agreeing with you.
Well i eat only clean food , no garbage vegan stuff , my diet is mosly potatoes or brown rice with vegetables for breakfast , some kind of legume later (lentils , beans , chickpeas ) , sesame and hemp seeds for snacks . I eat alot of volume of food , for example 250 grams dry brown rice , wich is over 900 calories .
Hi Chris,

I think I can just about make out Callador on the distant horizon wearing a white hat and riding furiously to the rescue on this one!

Before he gets here have you tried this guy:

You must be doing something not quite right because there are tons of muscle bound vegan hunks out there including professional athletes.

And we need to get you fixed up because the walking wounded are a terrible advertisement in the battle to promote veganism. :)

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