The ominous flu shot/vaccine.

new vegan

Oct 6, 2018
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Is there anyone getting a flu shot this year?

I've been following Dr. Mercola regarding his take on this Big Pharma fiasco, and also being/leaving the medical field, i am shocked at the "do as you're told" mentality from CEO's to the nurses. The CEO's, physicians and administrators seem to be the only ones benefitting from the "flu shot".. Here's only part of an article that Dr. Mercola has posted regarding about the annual vaccinations:

Good Example of Why Health Authorities Can’t Be Trusted to Tell the Truth About Vaccine Hazards

Lee and other dogmatic universal vaccination disciples seem to forget that nearly all vaccine safety studies come with marked bias, and the safety testing of vaccines is a joke.17 Nearly all side effects are classified as a “coincidence,” a talking point Lee uses in his article.

September 20, 2018, an important article18 in the BMJ highlighted the fact that, while health authorities swore the pandemic H1N1 swine flu vaccine was safe and had undergone rigorous testing, internal documents unearthed during a lawsuit reveal there were, in fact, questions about the vaccine’s safety. Yet, the public was simply never informed.

The vaccine in question was GlaxoSmithKline’s Pandemrix vaccine, which was linked to a surprisingly high number of cases of narcolepsy across Europe, along with other serious adverse reactions. Associate editor of the BMJ, Peter Doshi, wrote:

“Now … new information is emerging from one of the lawsuits that, months before the narcolepsy cases were reported, the manufacturer and public health officials were aware of other serious adverse events logged in relation to Pandemrix …

For a range of concerning adverse events, reports were coming in for Pandemrix at a consistently higher rate than for the other two GSK pandemic vaccines — four times the rate of facial palsy, eight times the rate of serious adverse events, nine times the rate of convulsions. Overall, Pandemrix had, proportionally, five times more adverse events reported than Arepanrix and the unadjuvanted vaccine.

And the raw numbers of adverse events were not small … The last report seen by The BMJ, dated 31 March 2010, shows 5,069 serious adverse events for Pandemrix (72 per 1 million doses), seven times the rate for Arepanrix and the unadjuvanted vaccine combined … But neither GSK nor the health authorities seem to have made the information public — nor is it clear that the disparity was investigated …

[T]he events of 2009-10 raise fundamental questions about the transparency of information. When do public health officials have a duty to warn the public over possible harms of vaccines detected through pharmacovigilance? How much detail should the public be provided with, who should provide it, and should the provision of such information be proactive or passive? If history were to repeat itself, does the public have a right to know?”

Lee and other flu vaccine proponents also ignore data19 linking the seasonal influenza vaccine with an increased risk for contracting pandemic influenza. Why would Lee ignore all of this information, not to mention the other published vaccine studies referenced throughout this article?

Perhaps, as a specialist in “using ways (including digital media) to translate and communicate scientific and health information to all sectors including the general public,”20 he chose not to include the scientific evidence I am providing in this article because he was reluctant to tell the truth and nothing but the truth about the risks and failures of influenza vaccine.

Another reason could be because Lee has financial ties to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,21which is a funding partner of Gavi,22 an international vaccine alliance that includes the world’s largest pharmaceutical corporations marketing vaccines.
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I used to work as a "Locums" type health care professional, for over 30 years before finally deciding i was doing more harm than good for humanity. Not due to my skill? But because, i actually thought Big Pharma was really looking out for the good of all mankind. So i did as i was told. Even against my own better judgement and intuition.

The medical field seems to have taken a strange, turn for the worst. Meaning.. It's no longer about the patient. It's all about the money. It's been that way for the last couple of decades. But thanks to social media, the general public is able to see what we've ignorantly thought was right..

The personnel go through far worse than what people think. And what's worse, the personnel will think more about their paycheck, (like myself) versus their own well-being. We not only laid down and let the administrators take over, They literally forced or coerced co-workers, and subordinates to "get their flu shot" at all costs.

We were told if we didn't get the flu shot, we would have to wear a mask to work for 3 -6 months to protect the patients. (Some of us felt this was bunch of crap, considering many of the administrators/physicians DID NOT take the shot themselves, and never wore masks. Even though several of us had on our Shot Cards in great big letters - "Fatally Allergic"..

It was suppressed by many facilities that many of the nurses or subordinates who had to have the flu shot, or volunteered died from it. The administrators would just send out a "template apology" and flowers to the funeral - if that. Many nurses, families of the deceased certainly didn't have the money to sue "Big Pharma", and administrators took great pains to ensure this didn't make the news.

Now that i look back on every single flu season that's occurred in the last couple of decades, i keep seeing lines of humans lining up like sheep.. No question, it has to be done.. And Big Pharma loves it..
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While I do I think some vaccines are a good thing, trusting big pharma is not something I will ever take lightly. There's too much money at stake. I have to agree with Emma JC on this one. I also do not get the flu shot, and probably never will. My immune system seems to work just fine without it.

Our family does not get flu shots. We have gotten all other vaccines though. The only one I have declined besides the flu shot for my son was the norovirus because it made him have sensitivities for food.
You decide...

The Truth about Flu Shots

“By 1853, Parliament began passing laws to make the untested vaccine compulsory throughout the British Empire. Other countries of Europe followed suit. Once the economic implications of compulsory vaccinations were realized, few dared to disagree. Then, as now, the media were controlled by the vaccine manufacturers and the government, who stood to make huge money from the sale of these spurious vaccines.” ~Dr. Tim O’Shea, “The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination I$ Not Immunization”

On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it had declared “Level 6″ pandemic emergency with regard to the “swine flu.” Shortly thereafter, on cue, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that we should expect mass vaccination in this country to begin as early as September, 2009. We have been covering the development of the global pandemic preparedness machinery in The IO since June, 1998. It is our belief that this machine has been in motion since March 28, 2009 and will not be stopped; that the global influenza pandemic the CDC and WHO have been predicting (planning) for at least a decade will be declared—whether people are pandemically sick and dying or not—and the global mass vaccination campaign for which they have been preparing since the 1970s swine flu fiasco will commence—soon. It is absolutely crucial that you share the following information with your friends, family and both elected and appointed bureaucrats within your community.

1. What are the ingredients of the annual flu shot?

• Egg proteins: including avian contaminant viruses such as avian leucosis

• Gelatin: known to cause allergic reactions and anaphylaxis – usually associated with sensitivity to egg or gelatin proteins

• Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80): can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis

• Formaldehyde: known carcinogen

• Triton X100: a strong detergent

• Sucrose: table sugar

• Resin: known to cause allergic reactions

• Gentamycin: an antibiotic

• Thimerosal: 49.6 percent ethyl mercury (still in multidose vials)

2. Do flu shots prevent the flu?

Not in babies: In a review of more than 51 studies involving more than 294,000 children it was found there was “no evidence that injecting children 6-24 months of age with a flu shot was any more effective than placebo. In children over 2 years, it was only effective 33 percent of the time in preventing the flu. Reference: “Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy children.” The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2 (2008).

Not in children with asthma: In a study of 800 children with asthma, where one half were vaccinated and the other half did not receive the influenza vaccine, the two groups were compared with respect to clinic visits, emergency department (ED) visits, and hospitalizations for asthma. CONCLUSION: This study failed to provide evidence that the influenza vaccine prevents pediatric asthma exacerbations. Reference: Christly, C. et al. Arch Dis Child. 2004 Aug 89 (8):734-738

Not in children with asthma (2): “The inactivated flu vaccine, Flumist, does not prevent influenza-related hospitalizations in children, especially the ones with asthma…In fact, children who get the flu vaccine are more at risk for hospitalization than children who do not get the vaccine.” Reference: The American Thoracic Society’s 105th International Conference, May 15-20, 2009, San Diego.

Not in adults: In a review of 48 reports including 66,000 adults, “Vaccination of healthy adults only reduced risk of influenza by 6 percent and reduced the number of missed work days by less than one day (0.16) days. It did not change the number of people needing to go to the hospital or take time off work.” Reference: The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. “Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults” 1(2006)

Not in the Elderly: In a review of 64 studies in 98 flu seasons of the elderly living in nursing homes, flu shots were non-significant for preventing the flu. For elderly living in the community, vaccines were not (significantly) effective against influenza, ILI (influenza-like illnesses) or pneumonia. Reference: The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. “Vaccines for preventing influenza in the elderly” 3(2006).

More Info:

Flu Facts

* Flu vaccine manufacturers are notoriously inaccurate at predicting the appropriate viruses to use in an individual year's vaccine, rendering the vaccine ineffective.

* Flu vaccine is relatively ineffective in those patients most at risk of flu complications.

* The vaccine has caused GBS in recipients during several different flu seasons.

* Those most at risk of flu complications probably share a higher risk of adverse reactions to the flu vaccine as well.

Fluzone is the new flu vaccine for babies (recommended 6 months to 23 months). You can get it as a 0.25 mL prefilled syringe (for pediatric use) and as a 0.5 mL prefilled syringe. Fluzone contains mercury: 25 µg mercury/0.5 mL dose. It also has chicken embryos and formaldehyde and Sucrose, Sodium phosphate, Sodium Chloride, Mercury, Gelatin, Polyethylene Glycol p-Isooctylphenyl Ether, Hemaggluttinin.

The Facts
The flu vaccine and the scope and seriousness of its side effects are hotly debated among physicians and scientists alike. The flu vaccine is the only vaccine that is updated yearly and completely untested before being administered to the general public (See Resources). In fact, the FDA does not require long-term studies of any vaccine before their public release, but rather short-term human studies where immediate side affects are recorded on a questionnaire. One particular ingredient in the flu vaccine has caused concern to some physicians and scientists as its long-term detrimental effects have been proven.

Controversial Ingredients
Thimerosal--a mercury-based preservative present in all 10-dose vials of the flu vaccine--has been linked in multiple studies to serious side effects, the most controversial of which is autism. Thimerosal was banned from being used in vaccines in the early 21st century, but it is still used in the manufacture of bulk flu vaccines. A limited quantity of flu vaccines that do not contain Thimerosal is released annually, however these are difficult to obtain and are used up quickly by the public. (See Resources)

Primary Studies
The primary study linking Alzheimer's with the flu vaccine was conducted by Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, MD, an immunogeneticist and biologist with nearly 850 papers published in peer review journals. According to his findings, individuals who received "Five consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied), his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's disease is 10 times higher than if they had zero, one, or two shots."
In other words, an accumulation of Thimerosal in a person's system might increase her overall risk of Alzheimer's disease, said Dr. Fudenberg at an international vaccine conference, in Arlington, Virginia in 1997.
More questions on the safety of the vaccine's ingredient were raised in a study published by Dr. Boyd Haley in collaboration with researchers at the University of Calgary. Dr. Haley stated that "seven of the characteristic markers that we look for to distinguish Alzheimer's disease can be produced in normal brain tissues, or cultures of neurons, by the addition of extremely low levels of mercury." (See Resources)

  • As with many drug-related findings, sides have been drawn and are well established with regard to this issue. Dr. William Sears, a leading author on the Sears Parenting Library, states it best in his book "The Vaccine Book" when he explains that "it seems as if anyone who even tries to question why mercury used to be in vaccines is immediately shot down by a barrage of medical experts and politicians claiming that there is no evidence that mercury causes any harm." (See Resources)
The Mayo Clinic is one of the organizations refusing to acknowledge any causal connection between flu shots and Alzheimer's disease. In an article published on her website, Angela Lund a dementia specialist states, "There is absolutely no evidence that flu vaccines contribute in any way to Alzheimer's disease."

There are, however, many physicians and scientists who prefer to approach the issue with caution and say that more research is needed. As Dr. Sears explains, "I think no one has proven that mercury was safe, and the studies showing some harmful effects from vaccines containing mercury are thought-provoking."

When Toronto Public Health states on its website that “everyone is at risk of getting the flu,” and urges us all to “get the flu shot each fall to protect you and your family, friends and co-workers,” its heart is surely in the right place. But it turns out the truth of the matter is a lot more complex. A new report based on an exhaustive three-year investigation has concluded that the seasonal flu vaccine is a great deal less effective than it’s been portrayed (it’s only 50%-60% effective in healthy people, rather than the common public health boast of 70%-90% effectiveness), and that vaccinating children does not seem to protect the vulnerable elderly population from flu, as is often claimed.

Ahead of each flu season, we are often told that the more accurate vaccine-makers’ predictions (or guesses) have been about which influenza strains will dominate that year, the more effective the vaccines will be. That doesn’t seem to be true either: The researchers found that even in 2009, when people in the United States were vaccinated with the exact same strain of flu that was causing a pandemic, the vaccine was only 56% effective. During the same pandemic in Canada, an unexpected effect was observed in which people who’d received a seasonal flu shot (which contained a strain that was different from the pandemic virus) actually seemed to be more likely to become infected with the pandemic virus than those who hadn’t been vaccinated at all — an outcome that was replicated in animal studies. Scientists are still trying to figure out why.

None of this is the end of the world. It’s not like we’ve discovered the seasonal flu vaccine poses any great danger to humankind, and it happens to be the best protection we’ve got against flu at the moment, which is better than no protection at all. But all the new information does lead one to wonder: Have our governments been wasting a huge amount of money on public health campaigns to achieve widespread vaccination, when the cash would be better spent on developing a more effective vaccine? The authors of the report certainly seem to think so, at least as far as the United States is concerned.

This is the impression one gets about Canada, too, where, according to an influenza expert quoted by the Canadian Press, we probably spend more than $100-million a year on seasonal flu vaccine programs — programs that, like the American ones, have rarely achieved more than 60% effectiveness in healthy people. (The vaccines are even less effective in old people and people in ill health.) But instead of working on taking a completely new vaccine direction, we’re working on convincing more people to use the inadequate one in which we’ve invested so much. It’s not a particularly sensible approach, though ending it would entail admitting a mistake, which is not government’s forte.

The biggest problem? By basing massive public health pushes for universal seasonal flu vaccination on beliefs that weren’t actually backed up by science — and supporting those pushes with exaggerated and inaccurate claims — Western governments have handed the paranoid anti-vaccine movement more ammunition for questioning vaccination in general. That’s dangerous because, while we can afford to have chunks of the population swear off a flu vaccine, we really can’t afford to have deadly scourges like measles and whooping cough make a comeback simply because patients don’t trust the public health establishment’s word.

It would have been better to have been more certain about flu vaccines before going whole hog on the PR offensive than to have sacrificed credibility on even higher-risk files.

Now participation in any future public health initiative will be a harder sell. Which really doesn’t protect you and your family, friends and co-workers very well at all.

National Post
Im just starting out as a vegan here. However, in 2015 I had a series of travel vaccines. Since then I have had no end of problems!. I was perfectly healthy before. It actually triggered an autoimmune disease in me. I was put onto two immunosuppressive drugs to control immune system. Now under a kinesologist I do not need them. It is controlled with supplements and diet. I think you will find its the adjuvant in the vaccine that causes the main problems.

I was told before the vaccines, side effects are a sore arm for a couple of days. I had the sore arm.......well I could literally bore you senseless with the rest of the problems, but I won't. I will never have those things again. In fact I am a science teacher by profession, I have to teach vaccines to the kids and I always mention what happened to me!
Vaccines save lives and are in the best interest of public health. Claims to the contrary are dangerous misinformation. That doesn't mean big pharma is our friend, or vaccines never have bad side effects, but the good so heavily outweighs the bad that vaccines are undoubtedly one of the most important inventions ever.

Make polio great again? No thanks.
Never have, and never will get a flu shot.Most people that do get it,(that I know) seem to get just as ill and in most case MORE ill than without.Your much better off strengthening your own immune system against these viruses,than relying on Big Pharma`s chemical concoctions IMO.
Im just starting out as a vegan here. However, in 2015 I had a series of travel vaccines. Since then I have had no end of problems!. I was perfectly healthy before. It actually triggered an autoimmune disease in me. I was put onto two immunosuppressive drugs to control immune system. Now under a kinesologist I do not need them. It is controlled with supplements and diet. I think you will find its the adjuvant in the vaccine that causes the main problems.

I was told before the vaccines, side effects are a sore arm for a couple of days. I had the sore arm.......well I could literally bore you senseless with the rest of the problems, but I won't. I will never have those things again. In fact I am a science teacher by profession, I have to teach vaccines to the kids and I always mention what happened to me!

Are you sure it wasn't the travel itself? I'm not all gung-ho pro-vaccines, I try to avoid meds I don't need to take (I haven't taken antibiotics in literally years, and I know people who take them every couple of months) BUT ...when I first transferred schools to finish my degree, I was moving 700 miles away alone and decided to just live in a campus apartment for older students. Thus, I was required to get some immunizations. I did have a choice, but *if* there was an outbreak of say measles on my campus, I would be homeless for up to six weeks and would not be allowed to attend classes so could fail them all because I wasn't immunized.

I'm fine.
We can't just listen to science when we agree with it, because that's what the anti-vegan people do.

Vegan-supportive Yale medical school doctor and lifestyle medicine expert David Katz:

"Ordinarily this time of year I say you should get your flu vaccine, and let you know I’ve just gotten mine. Due to an intense flurry of recent travel, I am obligated to say I am about to get mine- but the rest of the narrative is quite perennial.

The truth about influenza, and the flu vaccine- like truth in general these days- need all the help they can get. Sadly, and tragically, the truth about flu recedes readily into the shadows of denial, conspiracy theories, and anti-scientific New Age nonsense.

Let’s start, as ever, with a general primer. The "flu" refers to an upper respiratory infection caused by a small group of closely related viruses. The virulence, or strength of the flu strain varies every year. The illness caused by the virus is never pleasant, but when the strain is very virulent, the illness can be severe. Although the flu, per se, generally does not cause death in otherwise healthy people, more than 30,000 premature deaths each year in the U.S. alone are attributed to influenza, mostly in older adults, the very young, or those prone to complications due to prior illness or a history of smoking. The death toll last year in the U.S. was estimated to be about 80,000.

When the flu strain is especially severe, being the right age or having generally good health make for less reliable defense. The single greatest infectious disease calamity in all of human history was not plague, or typhus, or smallpox- it was the 1918 flu pandemic, which killed as many as 50 million. Those who don’t respect the flu just aren’t paying attention.

Most vaccines provide protection over an extended period of time. The flu vaccine is unique because the influenza germ itself is unique. It undergoes a process known as “antigenic drift” that changes the germ’s surface proteins every year, so that this year’s flu is generally uncovered by last year’s vaccine. The CDC and the WHO track the emergence of flu strains in Asia each year, and develop a vaccine based on the particular surface proteins that predominate. The virus is also subject to more abrupt changes, known as “antigenic shift,” which occur when flu strains mingle with one another, usually in domestic animals, notably pigs and ducks. That is the process that produces pandemic strains of flu with reference to the source: avian, or swine.

As for the flu vaccine- it is far from perfect, but vastly better than no protection. When the correspondence between vaccine and circulating flu is poor, protection is limited. Last year’s vaccine, for example, reduced risk by about 40% overall. When the correspondence is better, as expected this year, risk is generally reduced by more than half. And despite what you may have heard to the contrary, the flu shot cannot give you the flu (there is no live virus in the vaccine), and it is very safe.

That there are pernicious, false narratives about the flu vaccine should surprise no one; there are false narratives about everything important to our well-being. But what we should explore is this: why are we vulnerable to these false narratives? This matters, because even if we can’t fix the supply of them- we can fix our response to them.

I think there are two salient explanations.

The first is that, famously, familiarity breeds contempt. What we are familiar with is the post-plague world gifted to us by the stunning advance of…vaccines. The name itself, “vaccine,” invokes this history. It is derived from the Latin name for cow, because Edward Jenner noted that exposure to cow pox seemed to prevent the far more serious smallpox. The smallpox vaccine was thus the one, true “vaccine,” as it was formulated from a bovine virus.

We are no longer prone to smallpox, courtesy of that vaccine. We need no longer worry that our children may succumb to polio in the spring- because of immunization. We are so familiar with the stunning advantages of living in a world protected by immunization, that we take them entirely for granted. Accordingly, we can be talked into thinking that vaccines are more dangerous than the scourges they prevent. This entire narrative is false.

The second is the advantage that fools and fanatics, liars and hucksters have over honest scientists and public health experts. That advantage was just as Bertrand Russell described it. Honest appraisals come with doubts and caveats. Truth is forever at a disadvantage, because it is told by honest people who say things like: “X will probably be of benefit much of the time…” Fools, fanatics, and hucksters have no such compunctions or constraints. They say things like: “I- and God- declare and guarantee that X will make you bankrupt; cause your fingers to fall off; make your eyeballs explode; make it rain spiders…”

There is one final consideration in the mix. Showing the efficacy of the flu vaccine means demonstrating in specific populations that it prevents flu and complications, notably, death. But the very populations most prone to flu, and complications because of impaired immunity- the very young, the chronically ill, the elderly- are those least likely to mount a robust response to the vaccine for that very same reason: impaired immunity.

But while this attenuates the “data” regarding vaccine efficacy, it should do the opposite to your enthusiasm about getting vaccinated. Generally healthy, active people are both most likely to be exposed to flu- and most capable of a robust response to the vaccine. Each of us who is immunized and doesn’t get the flu- prevents it in all the others to whom we might otherwise pass it on. Some of those- by one degree of separation, or more- are the very people the flu is most apt to kill. It won’t do that when they don’t get the flu in the first place because the contact who would have passed it along was immunized. Immunization, by producing this herd immunity and curtailing whole networks of transmission, is the quintessential opportunity to pay it forward; the gift that keeps on giving.

While I aspire to be among the “wiser” in Russell’s quote, I can say for certain I am among those honest enough to offer you neither guarantee nor promise. Even so, I can preach to you with confidence the counsel I practice myself. Eschew the nonsense of fools. Reject the hyperbole of fanatics. Renounce the pecuniary seductions of the hucksters. Gain the opportunity to spare yourself a very unpleasant couple of weeks. Maybe save a life.

Get the flu shot."
I have not gotten the flu in many years and have avoided the flu shot for all those years. Before going Vegan, my diet was pretty clean overall and even though I was still eating meat semi regularly, I had eliminated almost all dairy, save for a little I was using in my coffee at the time, and that was it. No cheese, cream, large amounts of milk. No pork either, and no shellfish.

Neither was I isolated from people who had the flu. I have friends that I see regularly who get the flu often, and also as often get a flu shot before they get the flu. Not once in all that time have I "gotten infected" from being in their presence.

The flu virus supposedly infects the human body and produces mass amounts of mucus, sore throat, cough etc. It also is supposed to mutate every year making new vaccines necessary. I have long suspected a dietary connection that certain elements of institutionalized health are taking advantage of to push vaccines and other medicines that help their bottom line.

I have not counted, but it has been over a decade since I "got" the flu. Why should I be forced to take a "vaccine" that likely contains harmful substances like Mercury just because someone else is afraid? More importantly, do I get to sue and take revenge on each and every person who mandated this if I develop a condition due to such forced vaccination? I would take that as my absolute right, and so would a lot of other people. Collectivists, beware.
And for vegans that are getting the flu shot, be sure to ask if your shot contains egg. There is an eggless shot available, but I'm almost sure you'd have to request it.
A friend of mine was paralyzed from the flu shot and everyone I know gets sick from them. Flu shots do not save lives. They are not even remotely effective enough to outweigh the risk of getting one (to say that they're effective at all is laughable, and I'd rather not take the very real risk of ending up with Guillain-Barre syndrome
for a false promise of temporary immunity). The insert will show you all the risks, but you'll have to look it up online b/c you'll never get the informed consent you are legally entitled to have at the doctor's office. I'm 53 and healthy. Have never had a flu shot, never get the flu, and I don't intend to start getting the flu shot, ever. When I'm old I'll carry a weapon and defend myself to anyone attempting to force on upon me. #nothankyou
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