The Misread Thread Titles Thread

I keep reading the Aspirational Sexy Times thread as Inspirational Sexy Times.
I read "The Breast Thread!" as "The Beast Thread!" the first time I saw the title.
There's a thread on VV called "Ebedding Videos". At first glace, I thought it said "Embarassing Videos".
This cracks me up everytime I see it. :p

I keep reading Humans close to wiping out another species as Hummus close to wiping out another species... go figure.
Well, personally, I think hummus pretty much has wiped out the once thriving black bean dip species. The BBDS population numbers has sharply declined since the 70s and 80s, while hummus has been thriving all over the world, with lots of variants, including some hybrid black bean hummus!
Well, personally, I think hummus pretty much has wiped out the once thriving black bean dip species. The BBDS population numbers has sharply declined since the 70s and 80s, while hummus has been thriving all over the world, with lots of variants, including some hybrid black bean hummus!
White bean dip is coming on, though, so hummus better watch its back.