The hidden biases that drive anti-vegan hatred
People love to moan about vegans: research shows only drug addicts inspire the same loathing. Now psychologists may understand why – and the reasoning isn't entirely rational.

At first, I thought this was going to just be knock off of the other vegan hate articles. (See below)
But by the middle, I thought this author although not breaking new ground had made this into a good article to read.
anyway, check it out and let us know what you think.
A couple of the highlights
If you bring your cod and chips home to eat in front of your beloved goldfish, or tuck into a rabbit stew mere moments after cooing over various #rabbitsofinstagram, you’re likely to encounter “cognitive dissonance”, which occurs when a person holds two incompatible views, and acts on one of them. In this case, your affection for animals might just start to clash with the idea that it’s OK to eat them.
Some psychologists call this the “meat paradox”, though it’s also been couched in stronger terms – as “moral schizophrenia”.
In the case of eating meat, Rothgerber suggests we have a number of strategies – around 15 – which allow us to avoid facing up to the meat paradox......
Unfortunately, most of these are derailed by the presence of vegans.
By their mere existence, vegans force people to confront their cognitive dissonance. And this makes people angry.
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