This will be my second Thanksgiving with my soon-to-be in-laws. They are always incredibly accommodating whenever we go visit them, especially considering they are "country folk" who grew up on farms and live off meat and potato diets. My fiance's mother went out of her way last year to make 3-4 vegan-friendly dishes (even though I insisted I would be fine with what I was bringing), and she always has something vegan that she's made or purchased for me every single time we go visit. They wanted to do something different this year, so they booked a nice little cottage in a beach town a few hours away, for all of us to stay in for a few days. Sounded great to me and I was actually pretty excited to spend some time with everyone; we only get to see them once every few months because they live a few hours away. Here's the kicker.. they've made reservations at a local restaurant that is holding a Thanksgiving Day buffet, with the mindset that everyone can enjoy the trip and dinner without slaving over an oven. It's a raw bar and grille. They have posted their holiday menu and there is not a single thing on the menu, even as far as side dishes, that is vegan-friendly. The buffet is $35 a head and my fiance's father is paying for everyone. They acknowledged that I probably wouldn't have a lot of options and that we could make sure I eat something else ahead of time (I doubt they realize there is *nothing* I can eat), but this isn't really the same to me. The entire holiday revolves around eating with your family. I am going to be sitting at a table, in a restaurant, with everyone around me eating, with absolutely nothing in front of me. And will be having someone pay $35 for me to do so (I could offer for day but they would not let me pay for anything)... It sounds uncomfortable and embarrassing and honestly I'm absolutely dreading the experience. And I know the people around you always feel uncomfortable in these situations too. I've always survived these kinds of things fine by bringing my own food, or if we're eating in a non-veg-friendly place, just eating ahead of time, but this just seems totally different since it's Thanksgiving. Does anyone have any advice? The whole thought of this dinner has my anxiety tearing up my stomach. I'm so close to cancelling on the trip but I know I would really be letting my fiance down, and I don't want to make them feel bad about doing something they want to do, for a trip they've totally planned and paid for, for their family that I'm not even officially a part of yet.