Slugs munching my garden!


Jul 2, 2018
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  1. Vegetarian
Hi there
Are there any green fingered vegans who can advise on a solution to slugs munching their garden flowers?! I have moved to a new home and there appears to be a slug problem! I planted lots of small sunflowers and every one has been eaten! Obviously I don't wish to kill them but equally I'd like a nice garden...?
I have birds in the garden and I've tried jagged plastic containers around them to deter slugs but they still got in there :(
Thank you!
From Peta's website:

Those of us who garden know that sometimes slugs can disrupt our efforts. There are many products that one can buy and methods that we could use, but most of those are cruel, may put you or the animals in your home at risk, and involve killing the slugs.

That is why I wanted to share a few easy ways to prevent slugs from ever entering and destroying your garden without inflicting any suffering on the slugs themselves. Prevention is a pretty simple (and inexpensive) path to keeping your garden healthy and slug-free.

1. Be sure your plants are trimmed back so that they receive plenty of air circulation. Crowded plants or dropped leaves that are allowed to stay on the ground are a haven for slugs. Slugs thrive in moisture and dark places, so the more air and sunlight a garden receives, the less likely it is that a slug problem will exist.

2. Planting marigolds in the garden is a great deterrent. Slugs are repelled by the fragrance (or odor) of marigolds.

3. Placing a copper strip an inch below the soil line and an inch or more above will create an electrical charge that actually deters snails and slugs. Inspect it daily for any fallen leaves—slugs can use them as a bridge over the strip. If you’re unable to locate copper strip, remove copper wire from an old appliance or lamp cord, wrap the wires around a pen or pencil to create a coil, making sure the threads overlap to form a barrier. Place the coil around the bottom of the main stem of the plant—leaving plenty of room for it to grow.

4. Install granite rock around the garden. The sharp jagged pieces make it difficult for slugs to cross because of their soft bodies. It will also add beauty to your garden.

5. Roof shingles can be placed around the garden—they are jagged and also act as a slug deterrent.

6. Sprinkle coffee grinds around the plants that are being affected. Caffeine deters slugs, so be sure to avoid using decaf.

7. Glue pennies on top of containers or place them around your garden. Just like the copper coils, when slugs get near them, it sends an electrical charge.

8. Slugs stay away from vinegar, so spray it in their paths (not on them). However, it is an herbicide, so be careful not to spray around plants!
Nice points! It is very important to react fast to protect our garden from slugs. It is very important to make sure that your garden isn't actually attracting slugs to it. Keep everything clean in your garden.

- One way of removing slugs is to physically remove them.

-Yeast traps are something you can use as well.

-Also, consider using anti-slug powders in your garden.

- Copper will also work as a deterrent for garden slugs.

Slugs in the garden are a pretty big pest problem. Therefore if these tricks do not work consider taking help from the NJ pest control professionals to try out other effective methods to get rid of them from your yard or garden.

The problem with this method is it is simply a repellent, which doesn't work effectively, whatsoever. Trust me, I have firsthand experience with it. I tried this method in my own garden, where I have a major slug issue, and it did not work.

I've been gardening for over 40 years, and have tried just about every method known to man. I have only had minimal success with copper tape, and that's only around my flower pots. Unfortunately, my veggies don't grow in pots, and the slugs seemed to have no problem trudging over the copper I used my garden. It's heartbreaking to watch. Every year I deal with this same problem. Copper just doesn't work well enough. It's more like a waste of time and money, unfortunately.

The bottom line is copper does not work effectively. You would need a sheet metal copper fence, and even that I have my doubts would work. Furthermore, copper is expensive now. Spending money on something that doesn't work is a complete waste.

It could also be considered cruel to the slugs, since it causes them distress, by supposedly, shocking them, as well as the toxic effects of the copper. I don't buy into the shock effect, but there's no question copper produces a toxic effect.

"The green patina developed on copper metal over time is a copper carbonate salt and could be toxic." How could this possibly be a humane "vegan" option, even if it did work? Don't waste your time or money on copper; it just doesn't work well enough.

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