Regarding spamming and trolling VB

I'm not a troll, but I do live under a bridge. Thankfully there is WiFi.
to be honest though, i read the posts over there, and she did come off as super-abrasive, then go back to vb and ***** about them. she kinda set herself up for a fall. :p
I don't agree with your take, but the point of my post was that an innocuous post was taken out of context and treated as evidence that one of the new VB posters is a shill. It wasn't to defend or criticize [the long term VB poster]*.

I'm not sure what you all think leveling accusations against the new VB posters accomplishes. Some of them have struck me as good posters thus far (not necessarily "[person who made post about people editing their old posts]*", he seems a bit rude, but if he's a shill then Huddler is being ripped off). Considering the amount of crossover between VB and VV, I think creating rumors about them being shills does them a disservice, given the flimsiness of the evidence. Like they joined during the same month and supposedly have similar writing styles? What month do you expect them to have joined in? If they're new (post-Huddler) then they joined either this month or last month, obviously.

*edited by request
I don't agree with your take, but the point of my post was that an innocuous post was taken out of context and treated as evidence that one of the new VB posters is a shill. It wasn't to defend or criticize danakscully.

I'm not sure what you all think leveling accusations against the new VB posters accomplishes. Some of them have struck me as good posters thus far (not necessarily "Plant", he seems a bit rude, but if he's a shill then Huddler is being ripped off). Considering the amount of crossover between VB and VV, I think creating rumors about them being shills does them a disservice, given the flimsiness of the evidence. Like they joined during the same month and supposedly have similar writing styles? What month do you expect them to have joined in? If they're new (post-Huddler) then they joined either this month or last month, obviously.
I don't wish to discuss specific members of VB, and I think it best that no one here discuss them either.

However, and maybe it's not well known by anyone but people who start their own forums, there are lots of resources out there to help people get their forums active quickly. One of those resources is people you can pay a small fee to, to post on your forum and make it look active. I never bothered with mine, as I didn't want to spend the money, and I had an active enough group that I didn't need it. Without speculating who might be employed by Huddler to replace the activity it lost when most of us left - and judging by our own stats, I'd say that's a very noticeable drop in activity for Huddler - I have no doubt that they do have some people in their employ who are there to help the transition.

While that need not be problematic in an ordinary forum, what I have said elsewhere, and will repeat here, is that many of VB's members were looking for more than a forum where they could discuss their hobbies or their favorite celebs. VB is simply changing from a community to a resource, and I don't think Huddler anticipated what this would mean to many of the long term members.

I have a feeling though, that we have reached the peak in the need to voice our discontent. I know I am ready to move forward. I hope everyone else is too. :)
However, and maybe it's not well known by anyone but people who start their own forums, there are lots of resources out there to help people get their forums active quickly. One of those resources is people you can pay a small fee to, to post on your forum and make it look active. I never bothered with mine, as I didn't want to spend the money, and I had an active enough group that I didn't need it. Without speculating who might be employed by Huddler to replace the activity it lost when most of us left - and judging by our own stats, I'd say that's a very noticeable drop in activity for Huddler - I have no doubt that they do have some people in their employ who are there to help the transition.

Just because it's a possibility doesn't make it so. VB is not new and has still been somewhat active (ignoring people who just joined) in lieu of the people who left, so it's also very possible that that decision was not made, despite the fact that there was some degree of dropoff in activity. Even if it is the case, it's not evidence that any particular new members of VB are paid and it's far from a sufficient basis for accusing them of such. I agree it's best not to discuss specific members of VB--that is what I was reacting against. People were pretty clearly discussing [a specific poster and a couple other posters whose identities are easy to guess]*.

*edited by request