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Forum Legend
Mar 11, 2015
Reaction score
If you have a product you want to advertise or you need help with a survey or anything else that fits in the category of advertising this is the forum on which you should post in, please read the below. This is also the best subsection to use when posting about charitable opportunities (such as donating to good causes etc.).

Please use our tagging system when posting so that users can immediately distinguish what you are advertising.

Before posting your thread make sure your post is within the terms below.
  • You must not duplicate your thread anywhere else on the forums
  • You have one thread per advertisement - therefore if you are advertising a YouTube channel, or something similar, you may not advertise individually for each upload but must use the same thread
  • Your advertisement must not contain offensive material
  • Your advertisement must not contain mention of diet pills, fat burners, water loss tablets or other such euphemisms
  • Advertising another vegan forum is not allowed
  • If you are advertising a survey/questionnaire please think twice before listing an email address we will not be accountable for spam or anything else relating to the email address posted.
  • Private messaging members with your advertisement is strictly against these terms, you will receive a warning/ban if you are caught.
  • Please state country of origin, if relevant, when posting. This helps our international members to know which threads are more useful to them.
If you break the terms above your thread will be deleted, depending on the severity you may also receive a warning on your account or your account may be banned.
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