Raw vegan


Oct 31, 2024
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North Carolina
  1. Raw vegan
So, I am having problems being a raw vegan and just need some support. Everyone around me hates me because I don’t fit in because of this lifestyle. It has gotten to the point where I won’t tell anyone what I eat anymore. I get mocked at and I always get pushed to the point where I want to come off the diet and stop living my lifestyle due to being pushed out everywhere that I go. Is anyone else experiencing this? I just need some support is all.
welcome to the forum

Being vegan can be challenging, being raw vegan even more so.

I wish you all the best with your decision and lifestyle even though I don't agree with raw being the best way to go. I researched the idea for years before I decided to be a starchivore vegan.

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend. www.spiritualmatchmaking.com
this is probably not the answer you are looking for.

We have discussed the type of vegans in other threads and the general consensus is that any and all types of vegans are good.

However, IMHO, the Real vegans are ethical vegans. And ethical vegans are concerned primarily with reducing suffering or exploitation of animals. Just being a regular vegan meets that concern. Not sure how eating raw further helps the animals.

So raw is something you do for your own personal health. Which is fine as long as it really does improve your health. I researched it quite a bit and I'm not convinced it does. I am convinced you can be healthy eating raw. But I don't believe it's better than just eating a good WFPB diet.

I could debate this with you or anyone but you can just do your own research. My other issue is that Raw just makes the vegan diet more restrictive and thereby amplifying all the other obstacles in being vegan.

One good compromise is the Raw till four diet. It may even be healthier than a regular raw diet since it includes a larger variety of plants. I think its main appeal is how much easier it is to do.
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I have met quite a few vegans and haven't known anyone who sticks to a 100% raw vegan diet. I have known people who eat a lot of raw vegan food for health reasons or raw until 4pm and then eat a cooked dinner.

This YouTuber Plantifulkiki eats a lot of raw food.

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You got me thinking of Freelee the Banana Girl, so I googled her.
Good to know she is doing great at 44. And has had her third book published.

FullyRawKristina has bee fully raw almost 20 years and looks terrific.
So, I am having problems being a raw vegan and just need some support. Everyone around me hates me because I don’t fit in because of this lifestyle. It has gotten to the point where I won’t tell anyone what I eat anymore. I get mocked at and I always get pushed to the point where I want to come off the diet and stop living my lifestyle due to being pushed out everywhere that I go. Is anyone else experiencing this? I just need some support is all.
Congrats on being raw.
I am amazed at how we are surprised that it is challenging to be different than the majority of the world.
It takes a strong person to be different, adapt or change. We need to find some humans like us.
I was raw for several years, felt great. However I was concerned to get enough protein/iron/calories--I could only eat
so much nuts/seeds and even sprouted lentils. I need more protein than most humans. I started consuming
cooked sweet potatoes, cooked beans or tempeh, even some grains.
You can be RAW and consume up to 25% cooked food, you do not need to be 100% raw. Good luck.