Quick tofu help please


Forum Senior
Dec 19, 2012
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North England
I've never cooked/used tofu before, I keep reading that I should marinate it in soy sauce before any cooking-I don't have any soy sauce! Does it matter? I'm going to fry it off a little and add it to a Thai green curry.
Is it firm tofu or silken?
Ive never used silken but when i cook firm tofu (usually cauldran brand) I just fry it in a little oil and add it to whatever sauce Im cooking...it should just take on the curry sauce...make sure its well drained and youll be fine :)
Depending on what texture you want you may not even need to fry it....if you want soft outer then dont fry as long as it will be in the sauce long enough to cook and take on flavour :)
If you press it first, it will be better at soaking up the sauce you're cooking it in.

I keep my firm tofu in the freezer, as freezing makes it more firm yet spongy. I move one into the fridge the day before I want to use it, and press the liquid out right before using.
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And if you do marinade it, don't marinade it in pure soy sauce - the flavor will be much too strong (and I like soy sauce). When I marinade tofu, I mix soy sauce with water and other seasonings.
I use a marinade similar to this for tofu stir fry. http://chinesefood.about.com/od/tofurecipes/r/Tofu-Marinade.htm

And this is yum

Ok one more and I will stop. :oops: