This thread is to argue why your favourite programming language is particularly awesome.
I would argue that Python is an amazing language for the following reasons:
I would argue that Python is an amazing language for the following reasons:
- Easy to get started with. It doesn't have a complicated environment setup/installation procedure since pre-compiled packages exist for a vast number of OSes, and even if you have to compile it, it's pretty straightforward at least on UNIX-style OSes. And once you start writing code, no complicated pre-compilation of the code is needed.
- Easy to learn as there is lots of easy-to-navigate and up-to-date documentation.
- Helpful stacktraces when something goes wrong.
- Fast (for a scripting language)
- Relatively large standard library of modules that comes with every installation
- Versatile - can be used with other languages such as Java or C/C++. It's often used as the "glue" between programs written in C/C++, Fortran etc when setting up pipelines of software. This is possibly one of the reasons why it's popular in scientific computing.