Products with added sugar in them?


May 19, 2018
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  1. Vegan
Hi guys,

Apologies if this has been asked before but after a few google searches I found very little information on the subject!

So after being vegan for a little while now I've just come to realise that some of the vegan food products i buy from supermarkets (heinz baked beans, vanilla extract, organic kethup etc.) have "sugar" listed as an ingredient. I'm aware that some sugar is processed using animal bone char and I don't know if these products contain sugar that has been processed by bone char. Just want to know whether this bothers you guys? Or do you see this as unavoidable and just don't worry about it?

Thanks! :D Glad this forum is around, none of my friends or family are vegan so I don't have anyone to talk to about vegan stuff :D
A long time ago when I was vegan I did some research on this topic. My findings (which may be out of date now) was that very little of America's sugar is processed with bone char. But it could be more important if you lived somewhere else. And that it is pretty much impossible to figure out where a company gets its sugar. Even the companies don't keep track.

But bone char processing is not only out of style. there are cheaper alternatives. So you can trust the greedy big corporations to buy sugar as cheaply as possible.

My final thought is that this is not really worth worrying about.
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Thanks for your reply! That's good to hear and yeah it is hard to find out what sugar they use.
I've honestly never worry about it. As long as the stuff I buy doesn't contain milk, eggs or meat I'm good.