Peace and Hey There Friends...

I Heart Corey Haim!!

Forum Legend
Jun 6, 2012
Reaction score
hey there,

many huggs... much peace & much love from your fave veggie-tari-jenn (Jenn)

hope all is peachy keen with you guys....this place looks awesome and sooo hippie its round and special thankies for creating it and to fadeaway for giving me the heads up on it and inviting me here....

have a very hippie day:)

peace, love and rainbows
Hey Jenn! Great to have you on board!

And a hippie day to you too. :)
I've been waiting for you to get here! What took you so long??

Peace, Luv & BBH!!!
Ya seriously, I've been waiting for you too! :)

Good to see you, Jenn! :cool:

There is a frugality section on this board that's been waiting for you, too. :D
Hey, it's good to see you again. It's been a while. I was thinking aboutchya when I heard about Corey Haim's passing. Glad to see you're still keeping his memory alive. Peace & Love

I'm Nickle00 from VB, btw.
Hi Jenn...have you seen GH lately? OMG!!!!!! lol