Nuts that don't cause bowel problems


Forum Legend
Jul 11, 2012
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I have frequent bowel problems, and I think it's the nuts. I've tried many different brands, and it usually leads to the same problem. Are there any brands that people have had success with?
you know peanuts aren't a nut, they're a legume....

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Would brand make a a nut is a nut isnt it...

Anyway are you sure its nuts and not some other food. Like do you eat anything very fibre-rich?
I've never had any problems with eating nuts, but then I've never had any problems with lots of things that cause stomach upset/problems for other people (spicy food, lots of vegetables, lots of fruit, etc).

If it's a problem with fiber I would have expected other more fibrous foods to be the source, although I did know somebody who had bowel problems who couldn't eat nuts, so not impossible, but it could also be an allergy or something unrelated. I think you should go to the doctor and get it checked out, rather than cutting something out of your diet you may not need to or risking the symptoms being caused by something else and not finding out.

If that isn't an option for financial reasons maybe you could try cutting out the nuts and seeing if your symptoms go away, and then re-introducing one at a time to see if it's all or just some nuts.
I agree with SummerRain. Go to the doctor and get some allergy tests. If a doctor is not possible. try an elimination diet. Stop eating all nuts and see if you feel better. If not, start cutting other dense foods such as bread and whole grains out of your diet and see what happens. You may have a gluten sensitivity/allergy.
I've stopped eating nuts and my bowel movements are much better. I've had problems with nuts from Basic Foods, the local co-op, and Price Chopper. One bag will be good, and the next bag I eat will be bad. I eat a lot of fiber, but I don't think excessive fiber is the problem. Nuts are the most expensive food I eat. I hate wasting money on them.
Is it just whole nuts or do nut butters bother you as well?
Fair enough. It wasnt meant to be.

Apologies. I just noticed the time stamps and wondered if this was the case, 3 hours to solve a bowel problem. Im curious...could be interesting to research as nuts are a big part of alot of veggies diets.
Oh that would make more sence...
My boyfriend is having issues with some foods and I would like to know how fast a food being excluded would have an effect :)
It depends on the food and depends on the symptom. It could take anywhere from a few hours (if it is an acute reaction) to 2 weeks or a month or more, depending on how severe the reaction is. For example, if someone has Celiac disease, it can take weeks for the gut to heal and for them to feel normal again.

ETA: General rule of thumb is to exclude a suspected food for 2 weeks to one month and then reintroduce it. Keep track of foods eaten and symptoms. If symptoms are very severe you can do a very restricted elimination diet and then add foods back in one at a time, but that isn't generally recommended unless you need to remove the offending food asap and you have no idea what it is...
Thats quite interesting. Thankyou :)
We think the problem is onion based...but nearly everything these days has onion in it.

Sorry to hijack your thread rainforests1
When I hear nuts causing bowel problems, I think of diverticulitis. But I'm no doc. If you can eat nut butters, but nuts and seeds cause issues, I would suspect it even more.

I'm not a doctor either, but the link between nuts and diverticular disease isn't so clear cut as explained here. Diverticulosis is the less severe form of the disease characterized by "pouches" in the bowel, and diverticulitis is a more acute/serious form that happens when those pouches become inflamed. People with diverticulosis are often told to avoid nuts/seeds/etc to prevent diverticulitis but there doesn't seem to be much evidence for it (as the above link states). That being said, I have talked to enough people with diverticulitis who swear that every time they eat a certain food, they end up in the hospital. Anecdotal evidence for sure, but interesting to consider.

That being said, other bowel conditions could be aggravated by things like nuts, seeds, and popcorn. If someone has ulcers in their GI tract (such as happens with Crohn's or colitis), those foods could be physically damaging/aggravating the bowel as they pass through.