Non leather strop for straight razor shaving


Forum Legend
Dec 2, 2017
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
After switching relatively recently to a barber style shavette (straight razor with replaceable blades) I'm seriously considering switching to a proper straight blade razor for shaving and need suggestions for a strop that isn't leather.

Don't want to spend a fortune on a vegan alternative, and I've heard people say lots of things can be used for a strop to keep a blade in good shape. Obviously this isn't something I have any experience in or I wouldn't be asking.

If you use a straight razor and a non-leather strop of some kind, feel free to respond. Thank you.
After switching relatively recently to a barber style shavette (straight razor with replaceable blades) I'm seriously considering switching to a proper straight blade razor for shaving and need suggestions for a strop that isn't leather.

Don't want to spend a fortune on a vegan alternative, and I've heard people say lots of things can be used for a strop to keep a blade in good shape. Obviously this isn't something I have any experience in or I wouldn't be asking.

If you use a straight razor and a non-leather strop of some kind, feel free to respond. Thank you.

I googled "vegan strop" and saw lots of suggestions.

Emma JC
You can use a whole lot of different things such as denim material, balsa wood, cardboard, try any variety of fabrics you may have available. 3M makes a variety of abrasive tapes some are incredibly fine.
I'm not a razor guy so my backround is from tool and knife sharpening. There is a whole razor culture out there , with discussion groups and forums, I'd think you'd have a pretty easy time finding answers in your budget.