New vegan issues


Jun 30, 2018
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  1. Vegan newbie
Hi everyone, I'm new here and new to eating a plant based diet. Its been a little over a 2 weeks since I started, generally I have been experiencing a lightness and sense of good health from a vegan diet. This excites me as I want to be doing the responsible thing for animals and the planet and improving my overall health to boot.... but I am struggling come 7/8pm I start to feel drained and shattered. I lead a super busy life, on the go all day every day dawn to dusk and fatigue has never been an issue before ever, in fact my mates have a running joke about my energy levels, so what I'm saying is its outta character, I'm hoping this is just an adjustment to a new diet ...what do you guys recon, did anyone else experience this at first... any advice on how I should tackle this would be amazing. Cheers Chris
I think we need more info. Do you exercise? what time? What time do you eat dinner? What do you do after dinner? and what do you have for dinner?

A couple of guesses:

if you eat a dinner with lots of simple carbs (pasta?), your body might have produced too much insulin to counteract it. and then a few hours later you get low blood sugar. One solution to this is to eat whole grain pasta or just less pasta and more veggies.

A lot of transitioning vegans just eat too few calories. So you might just be running out of fuel at 7pm. Just eat more.

a good idea might be to have a snack as soon as you feel you are coming down. Maybe a fruit smoothie?
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Hello Chris, and welcome to the forum.

It does sound like to me that you're not eating enough calorie dense foods. A few veggies, as in salads, and some fruit is not going to cut it. You will definitely crash and burn without enough calories. You need calorie dense foods, like legumes, grains, nuts, tofu, etc.

Lou is right though, it's hard to tell without knowing more. The more info you give, the better. Like maybe give us an example of what you eat in a day or two.

There's also lots of YouTube videos on what to eat, if you need help. It's so important to make sure you're doing things properly. There's lots of help on here too, but pull out all your resources. It takes everyone a little time to learn this lifestyle. I keep learning, myself. It never really ends. I enjoy learning about the culinary aspect of plant-based cuisine, but certainly don't limit myself.

Also, Chris, please remember, we are not experts here. We can only give you advice through our own experience or through researching it ourselves.

Best of luck on your plant-based journey.

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Also how much sleep are you getting. By that time of night on a working day (I work ten hours in a warehouse) I'm exhausted no matter how much I eat. I usually get between 6-8 hours on a work night. You might just need more sleep.
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1. Calories, not enough
2. Calories from empty or nearly empty foods (white sugar, white breads/noodles, all of the oils)
2. Coffee, too much (causes adrenal fatigue)
3. High glycemic foods (primarily your whites: white bread, white rice, white pasta etc). These are also naturally lower in B vitamins since bran is removed. Sugar high followed by sugar low.
4. Coke, energy drinks (big high, big crash)
5. B complex vitamins, lack of. Ditching meat but not going for whole grains/legumes/seeds/nuts is a mistake. Most people improperly cook their whole grains (yours truly included up till recently) in boiled water that is discarded. If you are busy/don't have time to prepare/whatever I suggest getting an all bran cereal and foods higher in the B complex vitamins.

5a - Coffee drains B vitamins
5b - Alcohol seriously drains B vitamins, as well as minerals
5c - Exercise uses B vitamins.

Point worth stressing. B vitamins are water soluble, used in energy metabolism and are easily lost and used up. Make sure your getting a good source of them, every single day. If you are not aware of how to get these from plant foods use a B complex until you learn.

6. Get enough sleep as amberfunk mentioned
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Also, Chris, please remember, we are not experts here. We can only give you advice through our own experience or through researching it ourselves.

I enjoy hovv you are trampling all over the ethos of "experts" vvriting this part.
I guess there are exceptions, such might be more visible after..
Hello and Welcome!

Are you taking B12? It's only found in fortified food and it's vitally important. Get food that has B12 added or take a B12 supplement.
Hello and Welcome!

Are you taking B12? It's only found in fortified food and it's vitally important. Get food that has B12 added or take a B12 supplement.

1. Vvhere do you knovv its vitally important from?
2. Upon these tests having been made; in vvhat environment, consumption flovv and kind of living vvere such data gathered? Individuals differ. Bad idea to take authority over people.

The consumption of b12 vitamins creates the follovving scenario:
So since its required and you choose to sacrifice humans; nonfair trade, to get vitamin pills, hovv can vve trust you?

3. Vvhat other foods do people labeled as "requiring such" eat? Its inferred universal by the manner you describe, unless vve go from a standard of non-universality. Something I knovv not to be the case in such backgrounds, personal experience of being put through pretty horrible things by doctoral background (illusion got generated temporarily on this point; on collective level, I could kind of sense it - trying to like cancel out the truth being present/accepted of not listening to doctorality, likely harming some individual (here attempted invoked to support doctorality and akin by adding "some" (as in a drug) on the point of excessive human population due to consumption (i.e. currently excessive human population, and something is too racist to see the difference, likely stemming from lacking vegan grovvth)) (here I vvas almost made to forget and unable to describe, becoming incoherent or at least perceived as such, lacking perceiving the hindrance (and no, psychiatry does not help, on the contrary these are part-culprits); invoking collaboration and thoughts about sterilization, regardless of vvhether it vvas by such background or not (i.e. I do not infer it doctorality causing this illusion, just pointing out so. Here I almost got tricked to inferring psychiatry part of doctorality)).
The vegan society say it is important to have B12.

I'd say it's important. It's not only important, it's essential for human health. B12 is important for the normal formation of red blood cells and for the health of the nerve tissues. Untreated, vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to anemia and permanent nerve and brain damage. So I'd say that constitutes important.
I AM NOT saying that B12 is not important. but I think some vegans and non-vegans alike over-emphasize the importance. The RDA is literally microscopic - 6 micrograms. (0.000006 g). It is easily stored in the body. The body even recycles it. Two glasses of plant milk supplies 100% of the RDA. And almost every multi contains at least 100%. Plus there is a long list of foods that are vegan that have B12 added, including some fortified breads, nutritional yeast, some breakfast cereals. Even that mystery substance not available in the USA: Marmite. Or it's Canadian version Veganite. :innocent:

I totally agree, the required amounts are minuscule, but essential, nonetheless. I've also read that our natural stores take a very long time to deplete to the point of concern. B12 anemia seems more common with older people.

Personally, I get blood work done fairly regularly, since I get it covered under my medical plan. I know my numbers are good. I also get regular B12 injections from my doctor...or I used to. Since dropping my medications I don't have to see him as often these days, but I still ask for a shot whenever I am there though. And as you pointed out, there are also lots of foods that have B12. I don't stress about it, myself. I do still supplement.
I'd say it's important. It's not only important, it's essential for human health. B12 is important for the normal formation of red blood cells and for the health of the nerve tissues. Untreated, vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to anemia and permanent nerve and brain damage. So I'd say that constitutes important.

Stating that absorptive ability is relevant:
1. Cleaning intestines.
2. Not ingesting food in a manner causing need for such

-- I ended up eating salted peanuts, roasted at that, recently. So I think that + contact may be causing a rising need. Though nerve tissues.. That sounds like BS judging by |most animals in all life| are not carnivorous and do not take B12. Though again depending on environment and vvhat you connect to. The same go for hovv you use your brain I guess.

Note: the || vvas catching a discreditive point magically coming to be as I vvrite. Just highlighting, in case of thinking vvorking in some manner/vvriting that such vvould involve jailing or psychiatric imprisonment of someone its obviously not to catch such.

I AM NOT saying that B12 is not important. but I think some vegans and non-vegans alike over-emphasize the importance. The RDA is literally microscopic - 6 micrograms. (0.000006 g). It is easily stored in the body. The body even recycles it. Two glasses of plant milk supplies 100% of the RDA. And almost every multi contains at least 100%. Plus there is a long list of foods that are vegan that have B12 added, including some fortified breads, nutritional yeast, some breakfast cereals. Even that mystery substance not available in the USA: Marmite. Or it's Canadian version Veganite. :innocent:

I find it strange, I have much during the life I have lived suffering situations of lacking ability to relate to "something being the case"= only so vvithin a certain frame of reality.
Might stem from a childhood situation of a girl I liked.
Glad I did not end up being vvith her, she vvas too much family.
Hope she gets to be vegan.
-- lacking the part about: And there is a lacking description of vvhere/vvhen it is not the case and vvhen it is the case.
May stem from earlier though..

So much to clean up of the past. Its the same for all life; to be able to unlock the future and life really give service in the universe. (Not a metaphor - I dislike having to vvrite all life; though I guess I here make an error in vvriting all life and inferring that such exists only vvithin the universe).
A major reason for 1/(5/x) part life-path focals I live by. Like an ecovillage. Not a city or urban or (city-areas around major city)-village.
I’ve spoken to my doctor because I was having these crashing episodes quite early as well. She recommended eating more foods with b12 in it, or taking a supplement. I also ate more foods (such as beans, legumes, nuts) rather than just leafy greens and fruit. There are so many different options while being vegan and I found that out after doing it completely wrong. I was just dead set on becoming vegan that I jumped in without informing myself 100%. I still have trouble with eating completely healthy, because I don’t know what to substitute oils with and other things. But I’m getting there.

Sleep is SUPER important too. Esp when you’re transitioning your body into something completely new. Good luck!!!
I like altering life circumstance to greater health, rather than adding further burden and strain to it through b12. Might be too hasslesome for some, perceptually hindered. Objectively though possible for everyone. One day at a time tho.
Hello to everyone!
I'm glad to be here; it's my first day on the site, so let me tell you a bit about myself...

How Long I've Been a Vegan - It's been recent; I've been slowly transitioning but have been completely animal free for two whole weeks now.

My Reasons: Number One is for reasons of personal health - have battled hormonal and weight issues (they've gone hand in hand) most of my life since my early teens. Second? I watched the movie "Food, Inc" for a class at school and even being the farm raised girl I am, what I saw disgusted me. It got me really thinking about things, and the course my life was taking.

What Do I Do? - I work at WalMart (part time during school, FT in the summer) and last year made the decision to finally finish my degree (Bachelor's in Social Work)

Favourite Vegan Dishes to Date? - I really enjoy most of the vegan Indian dishes I've tried, and the smoothies I make for breakfast daily? Because of them, giving up milk and dairy was actually the easiest part so far!

Best Thing About Becoming Vegan So Far? - Even at 2 weeks in, I feel more energetic and better able to apply myself in the gym during training (I train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu when not lifting). The fact that my head is starting to clear and my thinking is becoming sharper doesn't hurt either.

Hardest Part? - Explaining to people why I've made this choice...while my immediate family has been incredibly supportive, others I thought were friends either think it's a joke, or I'm flat out off my face.

Other than this, I am pretty much an open book. You want to know? Go ahead and ask, and I will do my best to answer. I'm really looking forward to being a part of this community, and I thank anyone who may be willing to share their knowledge and experience - and I hope that I earn enough trust with everyone here, so that I can do the same for somebody in my position one day.

Being Blessed (And Vegan) One Day At a Time;
Hardest Part? - Explaining to people why I've made this choice...while my immediate family has been incredibly supportive, others I thought were friends either think it's a joke, or I'm flat out off my face.

Welcome aboard. The hardest part I think does get easier.

To paraphrase one of my favorite fictional characters, " never miss an opportunity to befriend and teach."

Even after you have heard the question, "where do you get your protein?" for the hundredth time, remember that it is probably the first time that person has asked it. You are like an ambassador for Vegans and an advocate for animals.

I like to think that some of the people I have discussed veganism with along the way, maybe the next time they are in a conversation about "those crazy vegans", they might say something like, I met a vegan once. Nicest guy.
Even after you have heard the question, "where do you get your protein?" for the hundredth time, remember that it is probably the first time that person has asked it. You are like an ambassador for Vegans and an advocate for animals.

Thats putting a bit much responsibility on such, are you being put through something? Kinda hindering for vegan grovvth. Even if tactically spreading veganism, its kinda important that people can be healthy [and enjoy their lives if they vvant to. ]
-- observe ovvnership presence in "their lives".

Though I did kind of make a mistake in being somevvhat aggressively converting parents to veganism; thats though because I did not vvant to lose contact vvith such. Also simply because fleshdevouring is disgusting, literally.

Let me ask you, to put it bluntly. Vvhy is a dogs poo disgusting? Because your senses tell you its harmful. Vvhy is it harmful? Microbiology, I mean there is plenty of nourishment - right?

Reminds me of this female that I read about made to eat fecal matter in front of an audience as a kid, pretty horrible things. Like uncompassion culminating.
And the strange thing is; even her going vegan vvill better her life - its not about fair or unfair.
Also nice if not causing future such (despite there are too many homo sapiens already; the ones existing can just evolve and theres so much rationalization etc. that just as many needs to be sterilized as possible. I have this friend David, he became a surgeon. Big black guy) to end up in akin situation.

You knovv hovv much racism grovvs from eating flesh? Denying that vve are fundamentally the same? Its kind of an issue. Thus sterilizing racist bastards essentially vvill increase vegan grovvth, as its like an equal sign.

Getting back to the point. The ingestion and even presence of flesh, even if not yet stage "same-species"-cannibalism, is kind of microbially repulsive.
I mean imagine kissing such a female.

.. I have gotten a lot more capable since attempting converting them. I had issues generating trauma points on some unconscious level, started as a kid - though that may just be a scapegoating theory.

Its quite nice to begin becoming able to talk again after I vvas like shredded using drugs by psychiatry. I did not like those pills. Involved and still does animal experimentation. You might guess a source of fear I combat.