
Aug 14, 2020
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puerto viejo, costa rica
  1. Raw vegan
hello folks, since Corona Virus many people around the world have understood the need to move to the tropics and start growing their own food, you can say it's a survival idea. Many want to do it but the task seems way to enormous, and it is!! That's why i decided to spread the word about us and other communities that are fully raw and vegan, not just plant base. The one i'm in is called Purafruta on the Carribean side of Costa Rica. We are presently 9 including 3 kids of 5, 10 and 12, but we don't count the local community of Talamanca, the population here is mostly foreigners, in 4 surf-towns along the beach, there's about 10 000 people there and it's full of amazing like-minded people that are getting together constantly, where we can raise our kids in a fully raw and vegan neighborhood, not having to worry about your kids eating chips at your neighbor's. So the Purafruta community welcomes people that want to move not only in this amazing local community, but also into an eco-village type of land, where we work together to plant a fruit forest on our 15 hectares land, and where we raise our kids together, using educational techniques that we all agree on and apply. We also share tools, community gardens, and much more. If you end up finding out you are more an individualistic type, we also have a friend on our road that sells land for cheap, in the heart of the Raw-Vegan road, where you'll nerver see so many like-minded people in one place. So together with them we make a very interesting neighborhood!

If you want to know more go here and read through our values, our structure, pictures and more... See if it's something for you...
Webspage - Raw vegan community in costa rica
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PuraFruta6

Once the border opens up we are expecting 7 new families, so if you want to come this will be the best time ever for investing since that within the next few months the lots we have to "sell" are the cheapest and have the best locations on the land, so get ready!

Let's get ready for the coming era, things are changing fast, so please share this message around this is a crucial time, people need to know that there is an option like us, and others that we can refer too in Ecuador.

Thank you!!

-The Purafruta Tribe-
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Sounds nice though! What on earth would I do for a living though? Can you actually accrue enough money from growing fruits?
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Sounds nice though! What on earth would I do for a living though? Can you actually accrue enough money from growing fruits?

For incomes there's plenty, our neighborhood is full of people waiting for any workshop or class to happen, everyone i know that does something, anything is successful. From gym classes to sound healing, yoga this yoga that, raw cuisine classes, permaculture training, i just met a guy this week who started building tree houses and suspended bridges, he said he has work for the next 5 months, during the virus! theres alternative schools looking for staff, there's also the online work people can always do. Many of us go to canada or usa to harvest wild mushrooms for 2-3 months, we all have 4x4's, camping equipment and lots of fun, wild adventures like you won't believe, we work for ourselves, no pressure, everyone vegan or raw, we want to bring kids next year!

Living off your land has some advantages, like not needing money for rent, or land taxes (crazy cheap here), or food! so no need of much, there's a member here whom is using only 200$ a month, all expanses included!
I would love to visit Costa Rica but it´s not exactly in a location you just pass through from time to time - it´s pretty far from almost anywhere. One thing I like about Costa Rica is the fact that it has a low carbon footprint due to three things: not cutting down its forests, not being rich, and having renewable electricity. In fact, it only has to do one thing to become a leader on the world stage in low carbon life and that is to start rapidly decarbonize its transport, bring in electric vehicles, and sort out the pollution in the capital.

About being eco though...if you´re from the North America or Europe and go to live in the tropics and then fly back home 1-2 times a year you´ll end having just as high an impact on the environment as you do in your capitalist consumerist life in the west even if you live in the forest in Costa Rica. So the only true way to go and live in the tropics and be eco (if you live in the West now) is if you don´t see your family and friends from your home country hardly ever. Even if you don´t fly back, they may want to fly out and visit you. The effect is the same. After living in Chile for 6 years, this is a serious reality for me.

I don´t agree with going to the tropics for better future security- long term tropical countries are predicted to be worst hit by climate change (not sure about Costa Rica specifically).

Some aspects of it seem pretty appealing though. I´d love it if my kids were in a vegan environment. Best of luck.