Mother rejects surgery to treat her breast cancer, instead will cure it with vegan diet

Oh dear. At least she's said that if it doesn't work she will have conventional treatment. It makes me laugh when people promote natural treatment then try charge £30,000 for it. I wish her and her kids all the best and hope she gets (proven) treatment soon.
Very sad story, really. If only there were some less drastic treatment options for cancer, especially when it's in the early stages, like here.
The problem is that days count when it comes to breast cancer. Lymph nodes are right there, and once it gets into the lymph nodes....

IMO, if you have small children, you have an obligation to face reality about such things.
Actually sounds fraudulent! Why would she think a mastecomy would cause her death? It's not a 'vegan' diet shes following either. why no mention of getting her family onboard with plant based eating?
Kris Carr was a real inspiration to me, who pretty much cured her own cancer, but it wasn't a dive in head first, eshew all other treatments.
At this early stage it would have a very good chance of a cure. to think switching your diet is going to change anything quickly enough to matter is absurd. Why not do both?
I think it's a very personal decision a person has to make. There is no easy answer.

I refused conventional treatment for my osteoporosis for 8 years and just supplemented and did weight bearing and continued on my HRT (I lost my ovaries in 2005). I quit smoking too. But along the way other personal complications arose. My bone density declined drastically after those eight years and I was faced again with hard reality. I went the conventional route and am now on hard core meds, a med that is also used to treat bone cancer (just in a higher dose for that). I'm not thrilled about it, but I felt I had little choice. My bones stopped aching since being on this drug, and my DEXA scan scores have improved dramatically, but i still have a long future to face this, and many unknowns with long term effects of these drugs. Still, breaking a bone is living hell (have already suffered several stress fractures) and I hear horror stories from those who have suffered compression fractures in their spine. There is no recovery from that. You lose height and put more pressure on your spine once the first break happens. That's where my bones are the worst is in my spine. I also worry about cancer being on HRT for 11 years now, but without it I can not function AT ALL.

In the above woman's case, I have to wonder how much genetics play a role, and how much any specific diet can turn off genetics. I think it would be difficult to heal from food alone. I code chemotherapy infusions daily and do see a lot of complimentary treatments being used along with conventional. B12 and vitamin C are used often in very high doses with lung cancer patients.