Minions, I need minions!

Second Summer

Staff member
Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxfordshire, UK
  1. Vegan
Now that the software side is starting to look decent, it's time to invite our friends, acquaintances and stalkers to come and join the big fun of a more-or-less brand spanking new board!

Clearly, I can't do this all by myself. So I need minions (you!) to casually mention the awesomeness that is VeggieViews, how you thrive in the absence of ads that eat up your bandwidth and cramp your style, how liberated you feel with a minimalistic set of rules, how it's in fact a blessing to start all over again with a virtually empty board, how smashing it is to get away from all the rubbish that goes on at big and crowded boards etc. So write it it your signatures, mention us in your conversations, shout it from the roof tops: It's a new era! A revolution is brewing! There is a new veggie forum in town, and its name is!
I'll be your minion. :p

It's a conundrum really... you need traffic before people will want to post, but at the same time you need people to post before you get traffic.

I will however do my best for you.
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Thanks Jimmy, much appreciated! Part of the problem is perhaps that this board still looks a little empty as well. I'm planning to try and post at least one thread in each forum. It may take me a while, but we'll get there in the end.
Facebook definitely works - that's how I found out about this place! I am spreading the word to some friends on there, too.
Let us pray for our veggie brothers and sisters everywhere on the Internet who struggle with disgraceful conditions.

Let us carry the light to them and spread the good news to liberate them from their chains.

<-- not on drugs, just tired!
I have a vegan directory website and I've added you to my forums list. :)
I don't have a ton of traffic, but I do average about 1000-1500 visitors a month.
I have rotating clickable banners at the top of the list. If you have some sort of graphic, I could add it to the rotation. If you don't have one, but would like one, I could use your logo at the top of the page and make a simple one.