Milked Documentary

It just went onto YouTube.

Interesting documentary on the devastating effects of the dairy industry on New Zealand.

I saw that pop up last night - would have watched it but it is very long (not for a movie but for a video) will try to watch sometime this weekend.

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
We watched this last night and it was very well done and makes my heart break for New Zealand, the animals, the people who are drinking/eating the milk products... they export almost 95% of what they produce and a lot of it is to Asia and Africa bringing poor health to other nations. The environment is so terribly affected in NZ!

Well worth watching and asking others to do so also.

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
We watched this last night and it was very well done and makes my heart break for New Zealand, the animals, the people who are drinking/eating the milk products... they export almost 95% of what they produce and a lot of it is to Asia and Africa bringing poor health to other nations. The environment is so terribly affected in NZ!

Well worth watching and asking others to do so also.

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.

I think it is of value for anyone who lives near animal agriculture. A friend's dairy farm recently closed. They had about 60-85 cows. They had this swimming pool sized containment facility for the poop. A tanker would arrive to drain it for spreading on their fields and local farms.

Remember this is a small farm. Imagine a 10,000 cow facility. Recently, I read about the uproar in a small town that allowed the increase of a farm from 1600 cows to 6000.

Some pig farms have 35,000 pigs producing poop. They said this was about the same amount as a city of 60,000 people.
One of the remedies they promote in the doc to help clean up any farm that switches over is a hemp farm because hemp cleans soil,
click here for a link

That is amazing and hemp can be used for so many great things from food to clothing to building materials.

We had a lottery, here in Canada, Friday night that was $70 million and I said if I won I would go to some animals farmers and ask them how much it would take to convince to change from animals to plants. The lottery winner was actually in our farm "prairie" province, Alberta, so maybe someone else will do something similar.

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
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