Is there a forum to post about political subjects like boycotts?

I can't find this lounge or general discussion, have things changed, or am I missing it?

I am looking at a page that is the home page I think that shows below 4 main areas:

General Forums
Forum Info

Where do I go from there?

I think maybe we could have an election thread.
A google search for lounge
leads us to

However when I click on it it says:

Oops! We ran into some problems.

You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.
The Lounge, which by its nature has mostly off-topic content, is opt-in which means you can't access it unless you explicitly tick the right option in your account preferences and then click Save. And then wait up to one hour for the change to take effect ...

Here's a direct link to your preferences - scroll down to the opt-in forums section:

(I know this is not particularly user-friendly, but it was done to make it possible to avoid off-topic clutter.)
I quite like the idea of keeping political and other sensitive and off topic discussions off the front page so that new members don´t see it when they first come to the site, and people who aren´t interested don´t see it all the time either.

This was a bit too much though. I mean I actually looked for it, and couldn´t find it.

Am I seeing it right that posts on the lounge don´t appear in the latest posts either. You have to actually go to the lounge, or sign up for notifications it seems.