Introducing myself and asking for support!


Jun 15, 2019
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  1. Vegan newbie
Hi all,
I am new to veganism and have been researching it due to issues with eczema and psoriasis, energy levels, weight and general well being. I have been keen for quite a while to overhaul my diet but just didn’t know where to start!
Just posting this to introduce myself and it would be great to meet some like minded people ?
HI! Welcome. I don't have eczema or psoriasis, so I haven't really paid much attention to what effects it. My very superficial understanding is that there are very few verified links between veganism and eczema and psoriasis.

But in general, a healthy diet should help. and a diet that is considered anti-inflammatory and full of antioxidants should help too. Not based on any medical studies - just common sense.

It seems to me the best place to start is with a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet (WFPB). WFPB is not necessarily a part of the vegan lifestyle. However, it is totally compatible with a vegan diet. There are several versions of WFPB. they are all pretty similar. The similarities vastly outweigh any differences.

Maybe the most well known is the Forks Over Knives diet. It got its own documentary. Doctors Campbell and Esselstyn got starring roles. The "brand" that may be trending highest right now is Dr. Gregar's "How not to die" diet. there are at least 6 other brands, but I think one that deserves to be mentioned is the Nutritarian diet as described in Dr. Fuhrman's book Eat to Live.

All of these books have a ton of supplementary material. (and it's all interchangeable). They have their own websites, youtube channels, cookbooks, etc.

You said you were looking for a place to start and I would recommend you start with any one of those books. Or maybe the documentary Forks Over Knives.

BTW, Many of the members here eat a WFPB diet.

And a good resource that I just discovered by accident is the Vegan Junction
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hello and welcome!

I am sure that if you eat a more whole food plant-based diet your health issues will slowly begin to heal.

Keep us up to date!

Emma JC
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Hello and welcome!
I am also newly transitioning to the vegan lifestyle. My journey started as a way to help relieve my anxiety and inflammation issues. I have never been vegetarian or anything I have just been transitioning from omnivore status to vegan. I think that it is wonderful that you making the change to improve your health. Just from what I have experience already and all of the research that I have read your health conditions should improve in no time! I wish you the best of luck and if you wish to chat or ask questions feel free to hit me up!:D
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Hello and welcome!

Excema runs in my son's dad's family and my son has it too, to a degree. One thing he noticed a few months back was that dairy was causing him to break out, mostly acne, but I think also with the bumps he would get too on his arms an legs. All of that has gotten much better since he cut out the dairy. He still eats fish on occasion but has never eaten any other animal flesh in his life. He'll be 17 in October.
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Hello Gem,

welcome to the forum and to the vegan lifestyle!

Please note that while a vegan diet can help with many things, it is NOT a miracle cure that will magically resolve all possible ailments in 30 days. To expect that might be setting yourself up for disappointment. It is very well possible to be a vegan and only eat fries with ketchup, oreo cookies and Sprite - I guess everybody would see that this would not be a healthy diet. As mentioned before, try following a healthy whole-foods plant based diet and review your life wituations, with regards to sports, rest, peace of mind.

But yes, a vegan diet typically does a few things - help the animals involved in the food industry, the environment, and, last but not least, possibly your own conscience.
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