Improving our search engine rankings

Second Summer

Staff member
Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxfordshire, UK
  1. Vegan
I thought I should start a separate thread on this topic since before we've been taking other threads off-topic to discuss this :)

It seems that at the moment we are on page 1 on both and when searching for "vegetarian forum". Can others confirm this? Especially those in the US? If so, that is really excellent:bd:

As we have seen before, the rankings can vary quite a bit from country to country. Even though I (using a computer here in the UK) can use (which is meant for the US I think), I'm not sure the results I get are the same as you get when using a computer to search while physically in the US. I wonder if the results even vary from state to state withing the US ...

If you're logged in to your google account, make sure you press the "Hide personal results" button in the top right of the page. (It's an icon with a globe.) This feature is only available on, not or others as far as I know.
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well, it's number 2 on for me, just under VB.

Wonder if it has anything to do with me not clearing my cookies.....I did clear them a few weeks ago, a couple of times, but that's it for the last year.
I see VV as #8 on page one, while on my home computer. I did click the "hide personal results" icon.

I'll try again later from my work computer.
if I try and use .com, it automatically redirects me to
Yes, I had this problem as well, but then I discovered there is a link at the bottom right of the page that allows you to use .com.

I see VV as #8 on page one, while on my home computer.
Ah excellent, that is what I found as well!
10th down for me on google.

Second page 4th down on yahoo, as an FYI.
Also, this may be fussy, but if it's possible, I think the format that VV displays on the search results should be consistent with the others. For example VB has VeggieBoards - A vegetarian community, VF is displayed as Vegetarian Forum and Community Chat Board by HappyCow, and VF is displayed as The Vegan Forum - a message board for vegans.

VV is "backwards" in that it shows the description first and the name last. The vegan and vegetarian forums @ Veggie Views

Wheras in the examples at the top, the name of the forum is displayed first, and then the description.
US here: Both in IE and Chrome you come up 8th on the first search page. Way to go, IS!
UK eighth for "vegetarian forum" and eighth, but on the second page, for "veggie forum"

Doesn't come up in the first 2 pages for vegan forum or for "veg forum" on the first 2 pages.

Also if you google something like "do vegetarians wear leather" or "do vegans wear wool" or "do vegetarians live longer" (some of the things that come up if you start typing in "do vegetarians" or "do vegans") other forums come up on the first 1 or 2 pages, but VV doesn't.