Human beings are the worst, most destructive, cruel and horrible creatures out there. Humans are responsible for destroying the rainforests. Humans are responsible for plastic pollution and air pollution. Humans are responsible for global warming and desertification. Humans are responsible for more species extinctions and endangerment than any other species. Humans are partly responsible for creating and keeping world hunger alive. Humans are responsible for creating Mad Cow Disease, other diseases, and now this whole coronavirus mess.
Humans are also so, so, so cruel and nasty towards animals. Factory farming, animal slaughter for meat, dog-sled cruelty, abusing and neglecting “pets”, animal testing, vivisection, hunting, “pest” control (why is this awful cruelty so neglected by animal rights people? Since when has poisoning and inhumanely trapping poor rodents and other animals not been cruelty?), trophy hunting, poaching, fur, fishing, everything! Why do we humans consider ourselves so darn superior when we are so vile and evil to the planet and to animals?
Thank you
Humans are also so, so, so cruel and nasty towards animals. Factory farming, animal slaughter for meat, dog-sled cruelty, abusing and neglecting “pets”, animal testing, vivisection, hunting, “pest” control (why is this awful cruelty so neglected by animal rights people? Since when has poisoning and inhumanely trapping poor rodents and other animals not been cruelty?), trophy hunting, poaching, fur, fishing, everything! Why do we humans consider ourselves so darn superior when we are so vile and evil to the planet and to animals?
Thank you