How to Gain Weight ?


Jul 23, 2019
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  1. Vegan newbie
I am 29 years old & I weight only 53 Kilograms. I am quite skinny & I need to put on some weight but, being a vegetarian, I have no idea what diet to follow. Can you guys give me some effective suggestions?
Eat lots of potatoes, rice, vegetables, fruits - whole plant foods - topped with tahini, avocados, nuts and nut butters - add breads and beans and lentils and whole grains. Eat lots and enjoy!

Emma JC
One can also increase their weight by eating groundnuts that have a huge amount of protein. Well, yes of course fruits like banana help you to gain your weight.:)
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I've gained 20 pounds since being vegetarian and now vegan. I did it by eating more and lifting weights. I haven't done heavy weight lifting either, so I could gain quite a bit more weight.
Here are five more tips to gain weight:
  • Don't drink water before meals. This can fill your stomach and make it harder to get in enough calories.
  • Eat more often
  • Drink milk
  • Try weight gainer shakes
  • Use bigger plates
The most important thing when you're looking to gain weight is to eat MORE calories than you're already eating. This is based on the first law of thermodynamics..

Which means: With a weight of 53 kilograms you need approximately 1'700 calories per day.

I'd aim for additional 300 calories, if your goal is to build muscle, which means you should eat approximately 2'000 calories a day. How could you get that additional 300 calories in? These are the two foods that I continuously recommend and why:
  1. Smoothies
    When you eat more calories than your body needs you do NOT want to feel satiated. One part of why you're body is giving you the feeling of being full or satiated is because of the chewing mechanism or stomach expansion. With liquid calories (e.g. smoothies) both of these parts do NOT happen as much. That's why smoothies are so effective. I personally like soy milk, banana and oats smoothie!
  2. Dried fruits
    Dried fruits are awesome because they're essentially high in carbohydrates and calories. Which means they're a snack that you can eat that is giving you easily 300 extra calories a day.
Things like weightlifting are cool if you want to further sculpt your body in the right direction. But eating more calories than you actually need are the absolute basics for weight gain.