How not to hate non vegans so much


Forum Novice
Mar 8, 2019
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  1. Vegan newbie
I have recently become a vegan even before I was vegan when I heard the arguement for veganism deep inside I knew that what I was doing was wrong and that vegans are right.

Recently I have been finding myself in heated debates with non vegans and some of their arguments are downright ludicrous e.g. Halal meat is humanely killed There is no such thing as humane killing because there is nothing humane about killing.No matter whether you being up the ethics or the environmental or the health reasons of veganism the people are just in so much denial it is downright annoying that they won't admit they are wrong.

Do the people just not have any morals? Another arguement that pisses me off is the arguement I like meat, cheese or chocolate too much. That isn't a very good argument because my taste buds are not worth more than an animals life. I can't bring myself to watch any of the videos about the reality of dairy or meat farming they are absolutely cruel.

To think that people can maluku continue indulging animal products without the thought of the pain the animal they are eating went through is baffling to me as animals are sentiment beings.

Another thing that irritates me if the arguement that plants feel pain too no they don't they don't have a nervous system.Rant over
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I feel your pain...
The only way i deal with this is to remind myself i was once thought of those people. I was raise to bribe eating animals was necessary. If I hate all omnivores, them out would be like hating myself when I was.
As for the people who know and just don't care... I don't have an answer for that.
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Most go through a phase in the beginning of wanting to convince others. A heated debate never turned anyone vegan. On the contrary, it polarizes people even more. If anyone asks why I eat vegan I say: the hundreds of reasons you will find on the internet. Let them find out for themselves, if they really are interested they will. But most aren't, they're just asking for the sake of asking and aren't interested in the answer. And you have no obligation to explain or justify yourself. Remember that you used to be as ignorant as them, so be cool about it. No need to be militant. People will realize on their own, slowly but surely, it will take a few generations but it's happening.
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You got two great answers already. Someone here reminded me of Dr. Melanie Joy. She has some great discussions on this topic. Check out her YouTubes. They are kind of long but she has, IMHO, the best perspective on vegan advocacy. She has also authored some books that are well worth reading.
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I think perhaps it's not always an argument of morals, but about access to accurate, reliable information. To think Halal meat is humane is a lack of understanding of the actual process. To think they could never live without cheese or meat is to say that's what makes up the majority of their diet, and if you took that away, they wouldn't "know" what to eat.

We have also disconnected people from animals, making it appear they are only here for our gratification and satisfaction.

- The meat people eat is made to not look like animals (chicken=poultry / cow=beef)
- The food pyramid the government use to hand out to children in school told us to eat way more meats than anything else, and if thirsty always drink milk (thanks to the dairy and meat lobby)
- Doctors used to tell patients to eat more meat for protein (as if it's the only way to get it) or drink more milk for stronger bones
- Zoos, some carnivals, aquariums, and having pets has taught us to build a hierarchy in which we as humans are always above animals

At the end of the day, it is frustrating, but you will catch bees with honey. Address these people as if it was you before you went vegan. What would have gotten through to you- the movies of animal cruelty, health reports showing the connection between meat and cancers, the fact meat is exacerbating global warming?

p.s. congrats on going vegan!
Read the book "Eat Like You Care", or go to my YouTube page where I narrate this book. Each chapter gives the BEST things to say to non-vegans, and has perfect information on every single argument. It has the best points, for situations like this.

My YouTube Channel is "Laura Hart" (Tags: Vegan)

I hear ya. Whenever I go out in public, especially in restaurants where people are mindlessly eating meat/dairy with no care in the world, ALL I can see are little invisible signs over every single person that says "I don't care about animals & I don't care about our planet. I'm ignorant!". That's all I can see, and it's heart breaking!! :(
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