Well, I love your questions but there are some pretty easy ways to get expert opinions. My first stop is the main library's reference librarian. S/he can usually point you in the right direction. They might even tell you about a lecture you can attend. Also you could get the directory to the local college and send an email to the Botany department. Or. if you are in an HMO you can just email the Registered Dietician they have there.
Thank you, I love your answers very much as well. Yes, these are really good thoughts. I am not quite sure at the moment, it turned out for me, writing to experts / scientists / some organization regarding such questions is quite easy, indeed, but might need a very long time to get an answer and the answer might be of a kind that causes more questions / inconsistencies and so on. A lecture (on YouTube or in reality) might be very interesting, but a bit time consuming / maybe not so efficient to get the answer to a single question. I do not know what a HMO is, but I guess I am not in one.
Also I think you should dry them when they are still fresh.
Yes, the earlier the better. The herbs (mint, thyme, rosemary, etc.) I had were dried automatically in a few days, without a dryer, just by lying in the kitchen. That's why I asked myself whether / how much nutrients were lost in the process. Especially in comparison to drying with a dryer (which causes far more air movement, which in turn could perhaps cause more nutrients to be lost than the "automatic" drying nearly without air movement). But, yes, be that as it may, in both versions and others time destroys nutrients.
also you can grow some spices and herbs on the balcony or in a window sill. that makes a lot of sense with the smaller ones that are also pretty pricey.
Yes, one should actually consider that. There are these herbs in flower pots, e.g. rosemary, obviously easily to handle (unless one would often be away from home for too long periods of time and wouldn't be able to water the plants), very cheap.
Many thanks again for the great link!