Breakfast is a pretty important meal as it kickstarts your metabolism for the day. If you're trying to manage your weight, it's even more important not to skip it. Skipping breakfast can lead to eating way more calories later in the day.
A long time ago I used to not be hungry in the mornings, either. I just started making myself eat something - even if it was a granola bar or a small bowl of cereal, I ate something.
My body adapted to it and now comes to expect breakfast and I get pretty dang hungry in the mornings.
I don't watch any of the raw food vegans. Or rather I watched one - Freelee - a couple of times and just thought she was promoting a really unhealthy lifestyle overall. Maybe she can live like that, but I sure as hell can't, and I don't think a significant chunk of the human population can live like that, either.
There's nothing unhealthy about cooked foods, so I don't follow the raw food movement at all. I think raw foods are good for you, yes, but not to the point that they're the only thing one should exist on.
That said, I don't particularly aim to get in a certain amount or volume of veggies and fruit each day. What I do is I try to ensure my meals have variety in them each day and that every meal does have some fruits or veggies. I like to approach things with the rainbow in mind - meaning if I manage to eat fruits and veggies through the day that cover the entire spectrum of the rainbow, I've done good getting a healthy variation in my diet. I also try to accompany each meal with a grain of some sort and nuts, seeds, or legumes to make sure I'm covering my protein needs effectively.
Honestly, when you're doing it right, eating as a vegan means you are guaranteed to get in all the necessary fruits and veggies your body needs each day.
If you're a junk-food vegan, living off of bean burritos, oreos, popcorn, rice, cupcakes, and beer every day, then yeah, it'll be a challenge to get your fruits and veggies in. Basically, you have to sacrifice the junk so you can fit in the good stuff and not end up eating way too many calories or feeling horrendously full.
Hope this helps.