Speaking UP when I don't Agree!


Forum Legend
Jul 2, 2017
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I am pretty much vegan, and I am a caring animal advocate. However, when I hear about or see something I don’t agree with, I usually don’t speak up about because I’m afraid that my mum and/or the other person in question will get angry. I’m sensitive and afraid of my mum’s anger. I’m 22, but I still live with my mum, who gets angry a lot and is frequently stressed.
For instance, when I’m out by the beach and I see someone fishing (which I don’t agree with), I don’t go up and speak with them about it because I’m afraid of them and/or my mum getting angry about it, and I’m afraid they’ll say something that will upset me (I have anxiety issues relating to animal rights).
When my grandad came in just now and said about baby pheasants being taken, he also said “horrible things they are” (in reference to other animals, possibly seagulls). I didn’t speak up, but I was anxious.
In regards to other people having their own opinions, I believe that everyone should have a right to their own opinion providing they are compassionate and are not hurting, harming or killing (or contributing to the death/suffering) of any other *sentient* being. I believe that every human should be forced to be vegan, except for those who need to be non-vegan in order to survive and/or ensure their wellbeing and/or the wellbeing of others (e.g. Inuit, people who might be stranded on a desert island or in the wilderness with no other choice). I would have sport fishing banned. I would have all unnecessary hunting and trapping banned. I would have the unnecessary consumption of meat and fish banned. I would have the cruel practices of the dairy, egg and wool industries banned. I wouldn’t want unnecessary violence towards people who abuse animals, hunt for sport, fish for sport, etc. though. I believe in compassion and kindness for all.
I hope you don’t mind the long post.
Please offer your advice as soon as possible, and please be kind and sensitive to my feelings if you can.
Thank you.
Don't feel like you have to speak up every time (it would drive you crazy and alienate others) but do try to do so now and then.

Try and approach people gently and in a questioning way rather than in a head on criticism. But also accept that others are not going to change.
I don't usually speak up because of my anxiety also. I don't like confrontation unless needed and I don't really like dealing with people who won't listen. I agree you don't need to speak up everytime.
I'm deaf and partially sighted. I can understand how you feel about animal cruelty. There is so much of it about and There isn't really much anyone can do about it. If only their was a politician who would be for banning animal cruelty.
It's good you are vegan so young. Don't worry too much about trying to convert others. It is better to show by example, and just mention that you are vegan, and do they have any soy milk, and that it is because you believe it is wrong to cause animal suffering. Leave it at that. Change the subject, don't let them feel judged, and they might find it interesting to look into it in their own time. The current trend is for veganism, so all you need to do is say that you are one and that will make it so that they know a vegan, and when they see it in the media it will mean something to them. Look healthy and act happy and they will think, rightly, that they too would be healthy and happy if they were vegan. There is no need for confrontation, I feel just like you do about the way animals are exploited, and it will change. The generation gap is a difficult one, also the cultural upbringing. If you live in the country then it will be harder to change people's minds, as animals are usually seen as food or pests, either way it's not good for them. I don't know what you want to do as a job in life but it might be good to look into working for people like Sea Shepherd, or Vegetarian International Voice for the Animals, or any other animal rights associations you can find who would have openings for your skills. Don't worry, be happy. :)
Yes, Joining an Animal rights group would be a good idea. You will meet like minded people and fight to protect animals. What I meant though is unless laws are passed to stop animal cruelty their is a limit to what you can actually achieve. But being vegan is a good step forward. So that is a major step forward for you.
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I do not think that militant veganism convinces anyone and if anything turns them off. I am a vegan purely for health reasons but it does make me feel really good to not be part of the atrocities done to animals. if you attack someone you already lost the argument and are really being more of a self-righteous ahole. I converted my wife, two friends, and my brother all who used to be proud meat eaters. My parents are coming around. They saw the positive health changes in me and wanted them for themselves. if you must, I would go and introduce yourself and strike up conversation. I may throw in that you used to enjoy eating fish but then you read information on all of the mercury and toxins that are found in fish and that basically all of the toxins that have ever been dumped into the lake/river/pond/etc. basically work their way through the food chain and end up in the fish. Let them know that farm raised fish typically even test worse. the more that you read up on it and found that other animals are loaded with hormones and literally fattened up instead of being able to graze and build muscle to eat so they are horrible for you as well and those are some of the main reasons that you choose the much cleaner and healthier vegan lifestyle. Many people at least accept that reasoning even if it does not drive them to drastically change their lifestyle. if you arrogantly just go attack them they will instantly become defensive and you will not win them over and really hurt all of our reputations. This is my 2 cents.
Its actually not especially wise to confront people you work with or customers if you work for the general public.

Barring that, its obviously up to you, but confronting people directly who are fishing isn't especially effective. Its better to be confrontational in writing, on line, at demonstrations (formal large demos with chanting and picketing or small group informal gatherings where you set up a table or something), wearing tee shirts with vegan messages, and setting limits with people you actually know - like yelling at a roommate who uses your pan to cook flesh or arguing with acquaintances who make snarky comments or not dating anyone who keeps eating animals in front of you.

If you feel strongly about doing more there are ways of getting jobs with PETA, putting together a vegan club at your college, or starting your own political project or vegan company.
I do not think that militant veganism convinces anyone and if anything turns them off. I am a vegan purely for health reasons but it does make me feel really good to not be part of the atrocities done to animals. if you attack someone you already lost the argument and are really being more of a self-righteous ahole. I converted my wife, two friends, and my brother all who used to be proud meat eaters. My parents are coming around. They saw the positive health changes in me and wanted them for themselves. if you must, I would go and introduce yourself and strike up conversation. I may throw in that you used to enjoy eating fish but then you read information on all of the mercury and toxins that are found in fish and that basically all of the toxins that have ever been dumped into the lake/river/pond/etc. basically work their way through the food chain and end up in the fish. Let them know that farm raised fish typically even test worse. the more that you read up on it and found that other animals are loaded with hormones and literally fattened up instead of being able to graze and build muscle to eat so they are horrible for you as well and those are some of the main reasons that you choose the much cleaner and healthier vegan lifestyle. Many people at least accept that reasoning even if it does not drive them to drastically change their lifestyle. if you arrogantly just go attack them they will instantly become defensive and you will not win them over and really hurt all of our reputations. This is my 2 cents.

You are incorrect. The militant vegan style was hugely effective throughout the 1980s and 1990s and is what helped the vegan movement gain momentum in the 21st century. To deny that is simply incorrect and it's not a matter of opinion, its verifiable.

While militancy doesn't work on everyone (obviously not you) and may not be appropriate in some situations (like having lunch with coworkers) it still has its place in activism. You can search the history of any major social change and see it NEVER happened "politely."
It's good you are vegan so young. Don't worry too much about trying to convert others. It is better to show by example, and just mention that you are vegan, and do they have any soy milk, and that it is because you believe it is wrong to cause animal suffering. Leave it at that. Change the subject, don't let them feel judged, and they might find it interesting to look into it in their own time. The current trend is for veganism, so all you need to do is say that you are one and that will make it so that they know a vegan, and when they see it in the media it will mean something to them. Look healthy and act happy and they will think, rightly, that they too would be healthy and happy if they were vegan. There is no need for confrontation, I feel just like you do about the way animals are exploited, and it will change. The generation gap is a difficult one, also the cultural upbringing. If you live in the country then it will be harder to change people's minds, as animals are usually seen as food or pests, either way it's not good for them. I don't know what you want to do as a job in life but it might be good to look into working for people like Sea Shepherd, or Vegetarian International Voice for the Animals, or any other animal rights associations you can find who would have openings for your skills. Don't worry, be happy. :)

While some of your post makes sense, I have a serious question for you: do you also feel that men who beat their wives shouldn't feel judged and should only be shown by example? Should slave owners not feel judged because one fine day they won't own slaves just like you (because you're Jesus or something?)

The "lead by example and don't make anyone feel judged" reduces veganism to a religion. It makes you sound like a Quaker. It denies the real physical consequences of animal cruelty and ignores the science around animal agriculture and climate change.

I get that everyone isn't an activist but this person WANTS TO BE.