Once again, welcome aboard, VeganRy! Nice avi, and congrats on your new transition to veganism.
A lot of things can happen in the first 5 months. Hopefully you're eating enough food, that you aren't calorie deficient. Of course you supplement with B12, right?
I hope you continue to educate yourself on this amazing lifestyle. As you know it is much more than a diet.
Getting involved in related forum discussion is a great start. We might disagree on things, occasionally, but that is the nature of the Internet. Ultimately, it is you that makes the final decisions. You basically have to look at all the information given and make an educated decision what's best for your own health and happiness. It is hard sometimes reading between all the lines of rhetoric and fake news. Like Fox Mulder used to say "The truth is out there".
I've also found YouTube very helpful for information, education, recipes, encouragement, etc. I'd have to say it's one of my greatest resources. You will have to weed through the channels to find one's that work for you, and your lifestyle. I'd be happy to suggest some, but it really depends on what type of vegan diet you're approaching. Some channels focus on athletics, where others focus on ethics, and some even solely on the whole foods plant-based philosophy - not touching on ethics whatsoever.