Hello from pa


Jul 26, 2018
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  1. Vegan newbie
Hello everyone, my name is Ryan and ive been trying this vegan/plant based diet for about 5 months now. Im still very new and struggling at times. I've decided to drop red meat first. My decision was an easy one. I had some problems with my kidney and im 28. My doctor told me it was time for a change and it reflected on my diet. I've always been a huge animal lover. But growing up society makes you believe you need to eat meat. Well im changing that view. Im excited to meet some people who share my views and to continue to learn!
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Once again, welcome aboard, VeganRy! Nice avi, and congrats on your new transition to veganism.

A lot of things can happen in the first 5 months. Hopefully you're eating enough food, that you aren't calorie deficient. Of course you supplement with B12, right?

I hope you continue to educate yourself on this amazing lifestyle. As you know it is much more than a diet.

Getting involved in related forum discussion is a great start. We might disagree on things, occasionally, but that is the nature of the Internet. Ultimately, it is you that makes the final decisions. You basically have to look at all the information given and make an educated decision what's best for your own health and happiness. It is hard sometimes reading between all the lines of rhetoric and fake news. Like Fox Mulder used to say "The truth is out there".

I've also found YouTube very helpful for information, education, recipes, encouragement, etc. I'd have to say it's one of my greatest resources. You will have to weed through the channels to find one's that work for you, and your lifestyle. I'd be happy to suggest some, but it really depends on what type of vegan diet you're approaching. Some channels focus on athletics, where others focus on ethics, and some even solely on the whole foods plant-based philosophy - not touching on ethics whatsoever.

Welcome aboard.
Let's Go Herbivores! Let's Go!

If you like structure in your learning I recommend either The 30 Day Vegan Challenge by Goudreau or PCRMs 21 day kickstart. Challenge costs $30 but I like it better. The Kickstart is free and shorter.

If you don't like classes, but like to read, then Goudreau also has the challenge as a book. but the library is full of good books - just pick one.

Some people like video. Not sure which video I would recommend to start off with. Maybe someone else can make some suggestions.
Awesome thanks for the help and advice i really appreciate it!!
Hey, Ryan, I'm glad to hear that you are becoming self-aware but try not calling it a " diet" get used to saying "Lifestyle" And don't worry we are always learning if you need help or any questions just message me. Hope for the best.
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welcome Ryan!

People on this forum are probably getting tired of my saying this however... :) Watching vegan / plant-based YouTubers has helped me tremendously over the past, almost, two years (two years in 9 nine days). It normalizes the lifestyle the way that meat eating has been normalized for most of our lives. If you watch even just one video per day, it helps to make it sink in shows you simple ways to incorporate more and more plants into every aspect of your life.

Some of my favourites... Maddie Lymburner, High Carb Hannah, Eamon and Bec, Simnett Nutrition, Jon Venus .... I could go on.

Emma JC
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