Hello everyone!


Aug 24, 2018
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
Hello everyone!

My name is Tom - I was vegetarian for 2 years and then about 6 months ago I transformed into a vegan lifestyle.

I live in the United Kingdom - currently base myself in Buckinghamshire.

Since going vegan I found that my motivations weren't just about the animals, but also for the environment. It's really changed my life - and for the better!

I recently had to put myself on long-term leave from my regular full-time job in the international freight industry due to suddenly going deaf in one ear.
Because of this I, only a week ago, decided I was going to do something productive with my time instead of sitting around idly.

I noticed that finding vegan clothing made ethically, with organic materials and powered by green energy was basically impossible... so I just finished launching my vegan apparel brand 'Powered By Plants'. It's been a great motivator for me and hopefully I can make something of it. I won't post a link to my online store or Instagram unless someone asks for it here.

A bit more about me... single man, going through a divorce, suicide survivor, surfer, animal lover, gin lover.

Feel free to ask me any questions, and I look forward to getting to know you all soon. :)

Peace and love,

Thanks you super people. Keep fighting the good fight! :heart:
Hi to all. I am also new here. Have just joined the forum. Feeling great to be here.