has anyone made tempeh


Aug 31, 2014
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Hi i have tried to make tempeh but it keeps growing mould during fermentation has anyone been successful at making it/
Hi i have tried to make tempeh but it keeps growing mould during fermentation has anyone been successful at making it/

No, I've only made meals with store-bought tempeh. Sorry.
yes you can ferment it with an appropriate starter in an incubator or a place with 28 to 30 degree temperature
thank you for the link i will give it a try
I have cultured tempeh. It is supposed to grow mold. It *is* a mold. It is the mycelium of a domesticated edible fungus. It looks like a grade school science experiment when it is done. The ones in the store are vacuum packed so you dont see the fluffy white fungus like with the homemade. I started another thread about how I grow it at home in a dresser drawer with a heating blanket in the winter and outdoors in the shade in the hot, dry California summers.