Media Gf vegan food :)

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Thyme to Begin

I have been making and sharing some of my favorite GF Vegan recipes.
If you want inspiration on some healthy meals you can make and share check out my Instagram @thymetobegin for ideas! All the instructions are listed in the captions
Do you know of any other good GF Vegan Instagram's I should check out?
Let me know :blush:
I just want to remind people that Gluten Free is mostly a marketing gimmick.

It's only a small portion of the population that has Celiac's disease (1%) . And very few people have a sensitivity to gluten or a wheat allergy (6%). However, a much larger amount of people believe that a gluten free or wheat free diet is healthy or healthier (41%).

Unless you have Celiac's Disease (and it is true that many people who have that disease are undiagnosed) or a sensitivity to gluten (and its also true that many people who think they have a gluten sensitivity - do not. ), You do not have to avoid gluten. For vegans, grains, including wheat can help provide protein in convenient inexpensive and easily accessible forms. And gluten is what contains most of the protein in wheat.

That being said, I'm going to almost contradict myself in that most Americans include too many grains in their diets. Two or three servings of grains a day are close to optimal. If you are trying to lose weight you might even want to go down to one.

But many of us eat double that. A sandwich is two servings of grain. A bowl of oatmeal is one and so is a cup of rice. That's five and then if you include some cookies or chips you get to six. Twice the recommended amount.

Anyway, I'm not saying that most of us couldn't benefit from eating fewer grains. But unless you are part of the small percentage of the population who have been medically diagnosed with Celiac's or gluten sensitivity, there is no reason to avoid it entirely.
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