I'm an omnivore... Always will be... I hunt, but most of all love watching animals in their natural habitat. Recently my g/f of 7 years has started volnteering for the zoo. This drives me crazy (in a bad way). She's tried to show me the animals (inmates), but all i can see are domesticated exotics.... Pacing... Bored... Robbed of life. I always thought that animals were my food, but at the zoo they're her entertainment, and i feel disgusted. Is there something wrong with me? Did my parents tell me to gfy when i wanted a smashed zoo-penny? I feel like a hypocrite eating more than 1lb of animal flesh per-day (i'm 6'3" and desperately need the calories), but i want to LIVE! Can anyone justify taking animals from Africa, and putting them on display/breeding them in captivity in upstate NY? Curious about how everyone feels here... Personally, this is not sitting well with me.