Feeling Crazy


Forum Legend
May 4, 2019
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  1. Vegan newbie

The other day, my friends with the white coats said, "You need time alone."

I said, "Don't put me in there because the room isn't vegan."

They said, "You need time to figure out why a vegan needs help."

I was quiet.

They said, "You have to cooperate by eating your breakfast."

I said, "Meat is murder. I won't eat my bacon."

They said, "You need proper nutrition to recover."

-- The above story is not true. But, I sure feel like that crazy vegan.
The crazy feeling goes away. It's the simple act of doing something that you know angers, terrifies or annoys so many other people. I got over it pretty fast, but I've seen vegans hang on to it for long periods of time, unfortunately. I think some people have a harder time in general with asserting their own identity and beliefs, let alone standing up for others. I mean, think about how many human atrocities that happened on this Earth not because of the evil people but because of the numerous humans who are too afraid to take a stand against the norm (let's not even talk about the ones who simply don't care).

I have had a lot of opportunity to think about it after almost five years, especially being around a university for the past couple of those years. Like some people are so PROUD they're not racist, and sure it's bad to be racist I absolutely agree, but I wondered to myself, because I'm vegan, how many of these "proud" people would have actually stood with people of color 50 years ago when it wasn't socially a thing that had already been programmed into society.

Eventually you realize they're the ones who are crazy! Ha ha. Well some of them are crazy. Others just are unaware, like we were once.
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Thank you Forest Nymph for the encouraging reply. You are always supportive.

I read lots of articles from PETA to remind myself of the horrors of how humans treat animals.

The Proud Vegan side of me only appears on the discussion board. I try to stay quiet about it.

I also remind myself of the numerous benefits of going vegan.
01. My money never reaches the meat industry.
02. I eat more nutritious food. I know Forest Nymph has valid concerns about my diet. Still, my diet is dramatically better than before I went vegan.
03. I am reducing my impact on the environment.
04. My wife lost lots of weight.
05. I no longer have high blood pressure. I am no longer prediabetic.
06. I save money because I have an excuse for not dining out.
07. I do not need an exterminator anymore. The bugs like meat. Bugs do not like vegan food.
08. Washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen is much easier.
Thank you Forest Nymph for the encouraging reply. You are always supportive.

I read lots of articles from PETA to remind myself of the horrors of how humans treat animals.

The Proud Vegan side of me only appears on the discussion board. I try to stay quiet about it.

I also remind myself of the numerous benefits of going vegan.
01. My money never reaches the meat industry.
02. I eat more nutritious food. I know Forest Nymph has valid concerns about my diet. Still, my diet is dramatically better than before I went vegan.
03. I am reducing my impact on the environment.
04. My wife lost lots of weight.
05. I no longer have high blood pressure. I am no longer prediabetic.
06. I save money because I have an excuse for not dining out.
07. I do not need an exterminator anymore. The bugs like meat. Bugs do not like vegan food.
08. Washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen is much easier.

You need two more things to make it onto David Letterman's Ten Top Benefits of Going Vegan.
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