Yeah because I'm studying environmental science my views of veganism have expanded to the vague notion that eating animals is what was meant by "original sin" in the Bible, because ...get this...the two biggest causes of environmental destruction to the earth are animal agriculture and fossil fuels...oil is essentially essence of dead animal. I'm studying geology at the moment and found out that rapidly increased CO2 was part of what killed the dinosaurs so quickly, so that there's SO much CO2 trapped not only from their animal existence but from the level of CO2 in the atmosphere following the meteor impact. The only hole in my clever thesis is that coal is also bad for the environment, but coal is just dead plants.
At any rate, absolutely nothing of real long-term good will come of anyone eating or using animals for anything at this point in human history, which in a global big picture way actually makes a ton of sense. You can't destroy all of that life and not witness death and destruction all around you. It's why life is valued so highly in all major world religions.
It's one of the reasons why I can't just be one of those passive "lead by example" vegans - I'm just like, you've got to be shitting me, the ******* world is burning down and nearly a billion people are starving to death, as well as animals and being tortured in hell-hole capitalist factory farms, this could all be solved by increased veganism and vegetarianism and you're saying we should be "tolerant" that some of the wealthiest people in the world - Westerners - are whining because giving up bacon is too hard? Absolute nonsense.