Dr Dean Ornish on the Ellen Show

OK I'm a comment junkie... someone in the comments said they were too distracted by his hairpiece.. Really? Do you think he's wearing a toupee?? I seriously can't tell 🤨
Some background: Dean Ornish, in the 1980s, conducted a medical study which proved that lifestyle changes (a low-fat vegetarian diet, smoking cessation, stress management training, and moderate exercise) could actually remove pre-existing buildup of artery-clogging plaque.

In 1990, the Lancet ( a prominent medical journal) published Dr. Ornish's findings: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PII0140-6736(90)91656-U/fulltext. This helped to establish the medical legitimacy of plant-based diet therapy for treating cardiovascular disease.
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