I've seen this question plastered around the internet.
"Are donuts vegan?"
I believe most contain egg or milk depending on the store or brand etc... I don't actually know of a brand that make vegan donuts unless someone knows of any? I guess there's always going to be little vegan restaurants that make their own but I doubt you'll find any that are mass produced that's widely available in supermarkets.
Does anyone know of any on the shelf donuts that are vegan?
"Are donuts vegan?"
I believe most contain egg or milk depending on the store or brand etc... I don't actually know of a brand that make vegan donuts unless someone knows of any? I guess there's always going to be little vegan restaurants that make their own but I doubt you'll find any that are mass produced that's widely available in supermarkets.
Does anyone know of any on the shelf donuts that are vegan?