Do you get asked, how do you get enough protein?


Mar 28, 2015
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I have get asked this question all the time! I simply answer, protein comes from many sources! I do not really go into the specifics, unless there is a genuine interest. Mostly the question is asked in a condoning manner.

It is not that I have an issue educating others on the nutrients in various foods. It simply that I do not think they are interested. If you get asked this question, how do you respond. Do you into a lengthy speech or have a prepared answer?
As you have nicely pointed out, and I agree...that the only time I will entertain the question, enough to give a lengthy response, is if I detect a genuine interest. Some people don't know, don't wish to know, yet want to debate issues...and I do not have neither the time nor the energy for that (this approach applies to all topics in life).

The important thing however is that I seek to know, if even for myself, as to why, how, knowing is important, even to be confident in my reason for consuming what I do consume. As for what I get my protein, my short (to the point) answer is, all my body's needs are supplied in nature, growing from the various seeds, nuts, grains and beans (for example) body has been so awesomely created to use what I consume safely from nature to create whatever benefits the body requires...if they don't believe, they can either keep going or try it too ;) :heart:
When I was younger I was always asked, but these days not so much as people are more aware of vegetarian substitutes. Tofu is popular and is available in supermarkets so people are more used to seeing things that are protein based foods for vegetarians.

Very few people ask me now, basically because I have been vegetarian for over 20 years so they know I'm doing something right.
Nope.. because that would mean talking about eating healthfully and people like to avoid that so they don't have to question their own habits lol. I wish people would ask me about it.. I won't just talk about it, that's annoying. I love talking about health and nutrition, but it's not my place if not asked. The most I've got is "oh I couldn't do that, I love cheese too much!". Yeah, I did too, hardest part for me lol.
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That is so true Josie, most people are just happy about what they eat and they don't even consider alternatives. More, it's necessary to have an health condition to consider a change, that is why the food industry is as scary as it is, because the whole world is feeding it.
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I have been asked this question but more in relation to me being vegan and cycling a lot (and I mean a lot). People are often concerned that I simply don't get enough protein for my body to heal and are sadly convinced that meat is the only source of protein. Having not eaten meat in 30 odd years, I suspect that if this was the case, I would be dead now. I do point out that beans/lentils/pulses contain just as much protein and protein that is more easily accessible to the body, but you usually see their eyes glaze over at that point... unless they are a cyclist (or other active person) in which case they are usually genuinely interested.

Before we went off to cycle around the world we actually consultant a nutritionist who was a friend, though the consultation was on a professional basis because we were concerned over the protein side of life and wondered if we were going to have to give up one way of life for another. Little had we realised that we were already eating the best diet we could be (we already made everything from scratch not even buying shop bought pasta sauce) we simply needed to examine the quantity and proportions of what we ate. We needed to ensure we ate almost 3 times what we were currently eating to get enough calories in. Despite this, after 12 months we were exceptionally lean and needing a 'holiday' to basically have a few weeks off, resting our bodies and putting weight back on! It was great fun mind you!
I have been asked this question but more in relation to me being vegan and cycling a lot (and I mean a lot). People are often concerned that I simply don't get enough protein for my body to heal and are sadly convinced that meat is the only source of protein. Having not eaten meat in 30 odd years, I suspect that if this was the case, I would be dead now. I do point out that beans/lentils/pulses contain just as much protein and protein that is more easily accessible to the body, but you usually see their eyes glaze over at that point... unless they are a cyclist (or other active person) in which case they are usually genuinely interested.

Before we went off to cycle around the world we actually consultant a nutritionist who was a friend, though the consultation was on a professional basis because we were concerned over the protein side of life and wondered if we were going to have to give up one way of life for another. Little had we realised that we were already eating the best diet we could be (we already made everything from scratch not even buying shop bought pasta sauce) we simply needed to examine the quantity and proportions of what we ate. We needed to ensure we ate almost 3 times what we were currently eating to get enough calories in. Despite this, after 12 months we were exceptionally lean and needing a 'holiday' to basically have a few weeks off, resting our bodies and putting weight back on! It was great fun mind you!

Cycled around the world! Amazing.. I would love to be ale to do something like that, what an experience. And so right about the portions. The best part of eating a proper diet is you CAN'T restrict or you'll get sick lol. It's also why so many fail on "diets".. they eat TONS of junk before they decide to go on a diet and then think they have to eat LESS real food lol. Such backwards thinking. Then they starve and go back to tons of junk. But yep, we can get everything from our diets.. b12 is the issue, but it's an issue for everyone these days.
This question always makes me laugh because, in my opinion, protein is the easiest thing to get elsewhere. Black beans were one of my favorite foods even before the veg life, but there are so many other things I eat on a regular basis. The thing I've always struggled more with are getting enough iron and B12 in my diet, and also making sure I am eating enough complete proteins. I have iron deficiency anemia, so that adds to my concern. I usually just roll my eyes on the protein question because in my experience, the people who ask it are the ones who know the least about vegetarianism. It's like I don't come up to you while you're eating your big ol' steak to criticize or ask you questions about it, so just leave me alone about my protein consumption. Ha! :)
Yes a very popular question! And I always think its strange that these meat eaters that usually eat junk food and fattening meat suddenly become health experts when it comes to vegans! :confused: My mum had a good retort to where do you get your protein from, she said 'well, where does your protein gets its protein from'! :rolleyes: Makes people think!
Where do they get any of their nutrients, actually? lol.. most of their foods are fortified because they're so beyond processed they are no longer food. Even the animals they eat were supplemented lol.