
Nov 29, 2017
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Hi everyone!
I am currently in my final year of university, writing up my dissertation.
I am researching into the environment, the future of cities and how we will live in the future. I believe veganism will be a strong part of peoples lifestyles in the future, as awareness of agriculture and the meat and dairy industry is already rising.

It would be great if some of you could answer some questions for my research to help me understand why some people are already making this change. It is not a necessity to answer all the questions and any insights will be helpful.

· How long have you been vegan?
· Why are you vegan, what triggered you to make this decision?
· Where did you hear about veganism?
· Before you became vegan what were your views on it?
· How often do you create your own recipes? Where do you get your inspiration from?
· Is there certain places you look for recommendations to live a vegan lifestyle? E.g. of restaurants, recipes, products
· How has this decision effected other aspects of your life?
· Do you feel veganism has changed your views on any other sectors? So do you buy into different products than you used you? [outside the food sector]
· Do you feel veganism has became more of a trend in recent years?
· Do you feel your decisions have created an impact on the environment? If so, is it positive or negative?
· What is your knowledge of environmental issues?
· Were you aware of environmental issues prior to turning vegan? Or has this lifestyle enlightened you on more issues?

Thank you for your help!
  • Almost 1 year
  • Health mostly, environment, meat industry depravity
  • media
  • a few times a month, the internet
  • Online, documentaries
  • Yes, clothing, furniture
  • Yes a trend but also a lifestyle choice
  • A small impact but a good start
  • Steeped in environmental issues
  • Yes, but veganism has focused me more on food choices obviously
  • Like
Reactions: Green-Fee
  • Almost 1 year
  • Health mostly, environment, meat industry depravity
  • media
  • a few times a month, the internet
  • Online, documentaries
  • Yes, clothing, furniture
  • Yes a trend but also a lifestyle choice
  • A small impact but a good start
  • Steeped in environmental issues
  • Yes, but veganism has focused me more on food choices obviously

Thank you for your responce!