Difficulties finding healthy delicious foods within a vegan diet?


Oct 1, 2017
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  1. Vegetarian
What kinds of difficulties on a day-to-day basis do you experience as being a vegan?

Do you feel it a hassle to prepare meals for yourself or family members who choose to eat vegan?

Would a meal kit plan that includes healthy fresh foods be of interest to you?
Thank you for your question and concern.

No, I don't have a challenge finding or making excellent plant based meals, snacks, etc.

Almost every aisle in the grocery store has great vegan food even if it is not labelled as such. The outside aisles (fresh fruits and veggies, frozen fruits and veggies) are where I shop the most and I also always have cans of beans, lentils, salsas, pasta sauce, tomatoes plus whole grains pastas, rice, potatoes, popcorn and many other things handy so that if I don't feel like making a simple recipe then I have something to just put together.

I even found that Gardein has put out a stuffed turkey frozen option in time for Canadian Thanksgiving, this coming weekend, can't wait to try it. Although I eat very little processed vegan food, this is an exception I will make and we do have some Gardein or similar once every week or two.

Emma JC
The whole point about going vegan is that you choose your own food. I would not like a kit which took that choice away from me. I try hard (with considerable success) to avoid processed foods and I can't help associating a "meal kit plan" with processed food. I live in the UK and Spain most of the year and find European supermarkets provide me with plenty of choice. In fact in the larger supermarkets the choice is sometimes a bit daunting. For example I can't understand why supermarkets offer yoghurt with sugar as a separate commodity. Have we got so lazy or stupid that we can't stir in a teaspoon of sugar if we want it?