Hey!! I always suffer from gum pain and I use home remedies like applying tea bags, turmeric paste, rinsing with salt water, etc to get rid of the pain. I feel better after trying these methods. So I didn’t bother to consult any dentists.
A few days back, I was not able to tolerate the pain. I tried these home remedies but nothing worked. I had to take 2 Tylenol to get relief. I know it’s not good for health but I didn’t have any other option. My mom compelled me to consult a dentist our locality to undergo a detailed check up. So I consulted the dentist yesterday and after examination, the dentist said that I have periodontal disease. I was shocked at first. Then the periodontist measured the depth of gum pockets around each tooth and said I have one pocket over 10 millimeters deep. The dentist advised me to treat it asap. I told my periodontist in Oshawa about my dental fear and he said I could undergo a non-surgical gum therapy. I just wonder what diet should I follow after undergoing this therapy. I didn't inform the periodontist about my vegan diet. Is it necessary to share this information? Any advice is highly appreciated. Thanks!!
A few days back, I was not able to tolerate the pain. I tried these home remedies but nothing worked. I had to take 2 Tylenol to get relief. I know it’s not good for health but I didn’t have any other option. My mom compelled me to consult a dentist our locality to undergo a detailed check up. So I consulted the dentist yesterday and after examination, the dentist said that I have periodontal disease. I was shocked at first. Then the periodontist measured the depth of gum pockets around each tooth and said I have one pocket over 10 millimeters deep. The dentist advised me to treat it asap. I told my periodontist in Oshawa about my dental fear and he said I could undergo a non-surgical gum therapy. I just wonder what diet should I follow after undergoing this therapy. I didn't inform the periodontist about my vegan diet. Is it necessary to share this information? Any advice is highly appreciated. Thanks!!